Help with race radio setup


New Member
I have next to no clue on the right setup. Looking for a good in car setup with intercom, and base radio at pit. Any suggestions to get us going would be appreciated. Looking to order along with other items ASAP. Thanks
Call rugged radios, great guys over there and they will talk you through all your options and needs. You wont be disapointed!
Both PCI and Rugged are great companies.
If you use Rugged and buy a entire package they will sometimes come out and do entire install and tuning for you.

Cant go wrong with either one.
We would definitely love to discuss all that you would need! We have a few options that would get you going, but most of it depends on personal preference, as most of our stuff operates the same way. I'm assuming you need helmet kits as you mentioned pit, so that would rule out headsets. no problem. next thing is whether you would prefer to have an intercom that does VOX (only transmits voice to passenger when you speak loud enough) or if you want an open mic..
The VOX intercoms are cool because they allow you to play music through your helmets, and when someone speaks, the music automatically mutes, then turns back on when nobody is speaking.
When you're racing though, not sure how important music is to you as a lot of racers prefer to have an open mic in the vehicle as it ensures that they do not need to adjust the VOX setting in the middle of a race.
Let me know whether you prefer a VOX intercom, or "open mic" Race intercom and what questions you have and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

If you know about what you want, and would just like to know more, feel free to ask. If you're trying to decide who to go with, all I can say is we value our customer satisfaction above all. We do everything we can to make sure our customers feel they are covered if they have any questions or issues. We're at a majority of offroad races for racer support, where we test and tune systems for free. We also every once in a while will make house calls as part of our Test 'N Tunes. One other plus is we're very active on the forums and are here to help the community as much as possible. I look forward to helping you get yourself all set up.
Now let me know whether you prefer VOX or Open mic and I'll explain the systems involved with those.
Another vote for rugged! I use them in my race car, and truck as well as all the Ultra 4 teams I pit or co drive for. I don't really think there is a big difference in the products but the support from Rugged is always spot on. That alone makes them the best choice.
PCI and Rugged are good, they both offer excellent support. Who is doing the installation? Installation is very important to maximize your range and reduce interference.

A few basic points:
Provide heavy gauge wiring to power radio straight from battery. No switch is needed since the radio has a power switch on the face.
Separate your antenna wire from any power wires.
Don't cut and solder your antenna wire unless you are good with coax. I lost 50% of my power with a bad solder.
Place antenna high and centered on your roof.

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