Fox shocks


New Member
Im new here guys and have my first question. I am interested in doing a lonestar mts with fox shocks but on a budget so I would liket to buy shocks first and then the suspension. I seen some used shocks for sale and they say stock replacements and was wondering if i should get them. But if you get fox shocks it asks if its for stock or mts and so on. So would i be getting the wrong shocks because there is a differece between stock replacement and ones for the mts?
Do yourself a favor and save and buy the kit with the shocks.Quality suspension builders design the shock length and test and tune the shocks to there kit.Most of the time a stock replacement shock wont be the right length or sprung and valved for longer a arms.
What Tatum u have a 2 seat or four seat? Slow trail riding, fast hard pack riding or in between? These factors play into the setup of the shock.
The guys are right you will spend more money trying to save a few buck and may or may not end up with a working long travel...
If your looking at going with a mid travel kit, our MTS kits are designed around using the stock length shocks. So any shock that is the same length as stock (or works on the stock a-arms, as some can be a little longer as the factory likes to be very safe on travel numbers) will physically bolt on to our kit, and work. But, for the best performance, they should be tuned to our kit for the extra leverge the longer a-arms put on the shocks. But, it also comes down to personal preference. If you like a little softer ride than average, then they might not need to be changed. If the shocks are already a little stiff for stock a-arms, they might work great on our MTS kit. But its subjective. If you get Fox shocks, you can always send them to Fox, and have them set up to our valving and spring rates just like you would get if you ordered the shocks specifically for our kit. In that case, depending on how cheap you got the used shocks, you might be able to save a little money. But keep in mind, Fox will charge you to rebuild them to the different spec. Plus, there might be extra money involved for fixing other parts of the shocks that may be damaged that you can't see from the outside.

So to answer your question, there are differences for shocks for our MTS kit, and stock a-arms, but it is just the rate of the springs, and the amounts of valving on the inside.. all of which can be changed. Just so you have an idea, coil springs are around $75 each, and you would most likely need 4 of them, plus whatever the shock company charges to re-valve the shocks. So unless your getting a smoking deal on the shocks, it might be better to just get new shocks.

Not sure what car you have, but with our Rhino MTS kit, and the bilstein shocks we use, the only thing that is different is the spring rate, so the valving wouldn't need to be changed if you wanted to switch them over. And they work really good on the stock a-arms, and really good on our a-arms once the springs are changed.
X1000 as everone else stated....shocks will make or break your how you feel about your LT purchase. Do yourself a favor and wait until your ready and buy it all at once so you can make sure you get the right parts. Also there is always someone selling a MTS kit to upgrade so watch the forums...just make sure you ask the right questions before you buy it used.
X1000 as everone else stated....shocks will make or break your how you feel about your LT purchase. Do yourself a favor and wait until your ready and buy it all at once so you can make sure you get the right parts. Also there is always someone selling a MTS kit to upgrade so watch the forums...just make sure you ask the right questions before you buy it used.

For those of us that don't have long travel yet, what would you consider to be the right questions to ask if we were to buy a used long travel kit? Thanks.
For those of us that don't have long travel yet, what would you consider to be the right questions to ask if we were to buy a used long travel kit? Thanks.

one of the main questions for me would be:
Were the shocks tuned to the kit, If so is there a way for me to verify this.

example: If the OG owner bought the kit from LSR,Magnum, Cognito ect ect. If so ask that it be proven.

Trying to save a couple of buck and piecing it together will just cost you more in the long run.

Or if you buy a kit new ask if they went out and dialed in the shocks.

I have had a badly vavled lt kit and let me tell you it will make or break a LT kit.

Another good question is how much ground clearence is there at full compression.

I ended up with 2 compression fractures from jumping a rhino with bad valving and not enough clearence at full compression.

Last but not least... do your research. (example)If you find a used cognito kit with king shocks....odds are someone pieced some shiz together....go with the shocks the LT manufacture reccomends because more than likely they have have done tons of testing with with.
well said jim!

So other questions to ask:

Are the pivot points worn (ball joints, heims, uni-balls, bushings etc)

Some of the manufacturers that jumped into this industry a few years ago, are no longer around, so you more than likely will have issues finiding replacement parts if needed. So i would stick to a well known manufacturer that is still in business if your going to go used.

Ask them how it worked, and why they are selling it. If they aren't selling it because of money reasons, than most likely they weren't happy with it, or they out grew it.

Good point Greg! Also if its a kit by someone that is no longer in business if you need replacement mis-alignment or taper pins you might be up a creek. Everyone with a uni ball kit uses these and they arent all 100% the same. We have 3 different misalignments for 3/4" parts here at cognito. Not all spherical bearings and heims are the same.

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