Ford F-350 Super Duty Tow Rig Buildup

Nice rig, Jon!

One of the most regularly used features i added to my F-350 were the airbags.
I went all out and installed the on board compressor and dash controls, they are great for cheating a little to level the cabover camper, dropping the nose of the boat trailer to slide the Sanger back on, etc. The compressor tank has a fitting that comes with a coiled air hose, makes it handy to air up a tire or whatever on the road.
I hope the 6.7 turns out to be the new 7.3, Ford sure spent some $$ developing it.
My 7.3 just turned 94k, I am gonna keep it fer a few more years.:D

I just wanted to comment on the 6.7 being the new 7.3. I've got almost 26K miles on mine now and have owned it for about 18 months without single problem. So far, it looks like Ford is on the right track with their in-house 6.7. Smooth, quiet and powerful. The only thing that sucks is the DEF requirement. Only Dodge doesn't have to deal with this. The Duramax still outperforms the 6.7 according to recent tests in the real world, but the 6.7 on paper has the most torque and HP. I love this truck. Just had to say it:)

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