Fan wiring question


has anyone hooked up a aftermarket spal fan to a 17' xp turbo stock harness ? When you hook up a regular spal fan to the stock connector the fan comes on automatically instead of coming on at the preset temperature. I'm thinking it must sence a signal from the ecu and just turns on. It's not a big deal we can add a relay and find the trigger from a temp sensor and make it work I was just curious if anyone else has ran into this ?
If I am remembering correctly (if not feel free to straighten me out) that the stock '17 harness uses a spal brushless fan. If this is the case, the fan might use pulse-width modulation (PWM) to control the speed of the fan to limit power consumption. If you are hooking up a non-PWM fan to a harness that needs a PWM fan, perhaps this is the problem.
Yes you are 100% correct. So a little update, we could not find a fan that would fit in the exact same space as the regular non PWM fan so we are making a new shroud that will use the stock fan and work as a normal oem set up. Apparently cbr has checked into this as well and they could not get a fan to work with PWM either so they offer a radiator with a temperature controlled sender to trigger a regular fan thats another way of getting a regular fan to work.

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