zdancla anclas
New Member
Extend that coupled directly over top of your head to get ready are going to get ready crab kettle bell and start output cable directly or topple the chest and slowly back over top your head nice controlled motion makes you don’t swing those arms you are slow contraction squeezing those arms a boat up your chest don't bring any further past that chest then slowly back down Evo Brain Pill back over your head to get that killed well as close to the ground as you possibly can without touching member right back over temperature stopping right above the shoulder joint again don't want that killed all come any further over top of that Chaser to stomach you are stop a right above the shoulder joint and backed out make sure those after contracted nice and tight you’ve got your back flat against that Matt creator rib cage stabilized as you extend those arms above your head you rib cages want to can tilt up to make that motion allot easier try to keep that rib cage flat against that map here's a couple more repetitions nice slow back down squeeze a backup just one more and that's it going ox so that capable of Evo Brain Pill the side good stand-up be ready for an exercise the hammer curl are .