The people on that site are so damn irritating. I get way to frustrated dealing with morons like those on that site. Liberals in general make me want to puke!
Yeah I know Shawn, it's not for the weak of stomach or heart . . . but folks need to get up there and "Promote" pro-OHV stuff or pro-conservation voices will be all that come out of it and will give Salazar and Obama more ammunition to carry out their "Wild Lands" plan.
For those of you who have never been up on the site, you have to register just like you did here and it's very quick to do.
Once registered, login and start spanking some Greenies!
Just click on the name of the person who created the "Idea". It brings up a page that has choices at the top, "
Click on "Ideas" and you are presented with every "Idea" the target a$$hat ever posted. From there it is a simple matter of "Demoting" every "Idea" presented by that person!
Conversely, if you find an "Idea" presenter who is pro-access you can do the same thing only "Promote" their "Ideas". Quick, easy and ultimately satisfying!!!
Also, on the "main" page at the top there is an "Unvoted" selection that can be clicked on showing all those "Ideas" that have escaped the other means mentioned.
It's a great way to vent, have fun and make a difference . . . posting "Comments" is even more rewarding, you can use that feature as mentioned above (for viewing groups of "Ideas") to view existing crud and add your own!!!