Do you live in Con. Paul Cook's District?


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Save the Hammers Alert!!

Save The Hammers
If you live in Congressman Paul Cook's district, we need your help this week! Please call his District office: 760.247.1815. Please share with his office the following: 1. That you're a constituent in his district. 2. That you oppose the 29 Palms Base Expansion. 3. That you thank him for his efforts to help us Save Johnson Valley. He needs to know that those that vote in his district oppose 29 Palms expansion. We need several hundred phone calls made this week! Please "share" this post with anyone you know who lives in his district! Let's get several hundred calls of support to him this week!
I already wrote him last week and asked for a 30 min mtg on this subject. No response yet. May not even get one. Waiting with bated breath.:rolleyes:

I just got off the phone with Mrs. Rowe from congressman Cooks District office. I was asked to pen my story that we discussed and to send it directly to her. I was also told it would be great if anyone else with concerns send their thoughts to her at:

This annexation is not a done deal and Congressman cook is well aware of what is going on and is very supportive of our efforts and cause.

Mrs. Rowe is an avid off-roader and was instrumental in getting Congressman Cook to attend the Hammers this year.

The Congressman understands the impact losing this event has not only to U.S. citizens, but folks from around the world. He met several folks from other countries who voiced their concern in losing this recreational area.

So here's your chance to get your voice in front of Congressman Cook immediately in support of saving the Hammers.

Get those pens cranking and let's put a stop to the insanity!!!!

Dan ...


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