Congress Considering Public Lands Omnibus Bill, Again!

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
Weigh In to Encourage Your Members to Reject Omnibus Approach

As you may recall, last year Congress approved a massive omnibus public lands bill that cobbled more than 160 separate pieces of legislation into one massive bill. The bill permanently eliminated the potential for motorized recreation on more than two million acres of public lands that were designated as wilderness in nine states. In addition, the package added three new national park units, a new national monument, three new national conservation areas, more than 1,000 miles of national wild and scenic rivers and four new national trails. Also signed into law as a part of the omnibus package was the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) Act, which is currently being used to limit motorized access on Bureau of Land Management lands.

Now Congress is considering creating another public lands omnibus package. Key Members of Congress have indicated that they would like an omnibus this year and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has made it clear that he would like Congress to move one as well.

It is important that you contact your Members of Congress and key Congressional leaders to let them know you oppose a new massive omnibus public lands law and that a repeat of the 2009 law will mean more restrictions to access.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link below to urge your Members and key Congressional leaders to oppose a massive omnibus bill in favor of ensuring that all public lands bills have hearings to allow for full local input.

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