CA - Feinstein Reintroduces Bill to Protect 1.6M Acres

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
LK - Coming to BLM Lands or National Forests in your State soon! Especially if her husband Richard Blum happens to own land next to areas like these which were in the planning phase for solar and wind farm renewable energy projects. Now these companies will have to relocate to Blum’s “private†land at great expense or on to what remains of OUR “disturbed†OHV areas. “Streamline Permitting (for development) on Federal Lands†directly adjacent to the very lands she proposes to protect??

Article Excerpts:

“California Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) on January 25 introduced a bill to create two new national monuments, expand national parks, designate a quarter-million acres of wilderness, protect four waterways and improve recreation in Southern California.

Feinstein's "California Desert Protection Act of 2011" includes many proposals she pitched in the last Congress but is being introduced separate from provisions in last year's bill seeking to accelerate renewable energy development on private and disturbed public lands.

Parts of the proposal met resistance last May during a Senate hearing in which Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the ranking member of the committee, criticized Feinstein's bill as a "not in my backyard" approach that has tied up solar projects nationwide.

The previous desert protection bill also called for Renewable Energy Coordination Offices to streamline permitting on federal lands and sought to make some private lands available for solar development and expand the existing transmission infrastructure.

More here . . . California Association of 4WD Clubs, Inc. :: Southern California Access Issues
Well, I don't vote for her or her other two evil sisters in crime and I'm sure you don't either . . . we just live in a state full of Dem!

That mine you mention is the only once active working site in the Nation for the collection of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) used in every "green energy" device known to man including solar panels, wind turbines and the sacred Toyota Prius'. They are also used in TVs, cell phones, computers and the list goes on! REEs are also used by our Military to make sure they hit only what they need to.

This mine is in the process of reopening after having been shut down in 1996 due to pressure from . . . you guessed it, the "greenies" but it will take time to get it producing again and it can’t provide for all our needs (but maybe Blums), meanwhile China, our only current source for REEs, just cut the amount they'll sell us by 70%.

There are 14 other locations in the US identified by the USGS that are potential sources for REEs but yup . . . you guessed it, they are locking them up in BLM "Wild Lands".

So instead of doing something here in the U.S. that actually holds real promise for job creation and economic growth while protecting National security interests, our fearless leader goes whining to China complaining how they won’t let us go any further in debt to them because they won’t give us more REEs.

As you know, REEs are used to build TVs, cell phones, computer chips, solar panels and many other products. Where the hell does Ohblowme think the majority of those products are currently manufactured? Even Intel and Apple farm out their manufacturing overseas. We don’t even manufacture a majority of the stuff using REEs that goes into our Military technology here on U.S. soil.

This idiot is all about putting us further in debt, not promoting our economic growth or American jobs, instead he is following the Cloward-Piven strategy!!!

We have more than enough REEs here in the U.S. for our needs. REEs have been found on BLM land in 14 States according to the USGS. According to Congress these lands are held by the Fed for multiple-use sustained-yield needs of Americans, which includes mineral extraction.

The REEs held on these lands, if harvested, would greatly reduce our dependence on foreign interests, reduce our foreign debt, and help ensure our Military’s future security. Hopefully, readily available home grown sources of REEs would also lead to more home grown manufacturing of the products that use them.

The America dream of energy independence relies solely upon REEs and cannot realized in their absence. Without them solar panels, wind turbines, high tech batteries in electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cells are not possible. A myriad of other future technologies not yet in public use, the public eye or even on a drawing board will not be possible.

We can’t take four more years of this administration, it’s damn near too late already. When the US dollar is no longer the “world’s reserve currency†the unique fact that we can never really “go broke†will be gone too along with running of the printing presses 7/24/365 and any value that remains in the dollar.

If anybody wonders why they are locking up all our Public Lands and aren’t extracting our own natural resources, wonder no more . . . it’s all collateral for our ever growing National debt . . . it’s there to pay the bill baby!!!
What difference does it make? We keep re-electing the B....tch! When you tell people you get kicked off their site, because their mods are union kiss-asses? We eat our own and we are supposed to come together to vote the B...tch out? How does that work? I am so tired of fighting the fight and writing letter, blowing the horn, and letting people, who don't seem to care, know what is up, I just want the system to collapse! Her husband owns a stake in the Chocolate Mountains as well and they close all the land around it! Yet they say it is one of the richest gold fields in California! We are corrupt, but just sneaky about it, government and unions are in bed, and we lose! SAD SAD SAD! Keep up the fight and I won't stop either, just venting!

That just disgusts me... Greed at it's worst! It really reveals thier true motives... :mad:

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