Anyone that runs gear one rear uprights on a SR1, the chances of this failure can be redueced considerably by;
1. Regular inspection/tightening the bolts.
The two bolts that are recessed where the break is in the picture come loose. Once loose the ear bends then breaks off. If you can insert a buisness card between the two halves before its broken its time to replace them.
2. With the rotor removed you can drill, tap, and countersink a bolt into oppisite side to reinforce the weak spot between the two counter sunk holes where the ear breaks off. See the guys at XMF for more help with this.
3. Buy Wellers rear uprights.
We raced the Gear One set up for three years and never had one failure and we didnt even do the XMF trick. Greased the bearings twice a year and checked the bolts before every race.They're good stuff, just require regular maintenence.