BJ Baldwin GETTIN IT at San Felipe Finish Line


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good video, not so great spectators!! Looks like absolutely no crowd control measures at all. One mechanical failure would equal multiple fatalities!!!
Friggin' nuts! It looks like to race down there you have to have a " get out of the way or I will run right over ya' " mentality. I would be like " holy Sht, I better slow down through here or I'll kill somebody". I don't know how guy's do it. Do they have to stand on the outside of a corner to see the race? REALLY? I guess after racing through those crowds enough you would get use to it. Screw em'!:D
You can't belive it until you see it! Half the time the crowd looks solid and you will hear a motor coming but can't see anything thru the people. At the last second the crowd will part and a trophy truck will come flying thru at 100mph:eek:. Freaking crazy. This year we saw a 10 year old kid on a huge 4x4 quad zipping back and forth across the course between the cars with his 2 year old little sister riding in front of him. Only in Mexico.

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