BITD Parker 250

Great news the UTVs will have their own race!! We will start at 12:00 noon. We will race 2 laps of 80+ miles. Motos and quads start early. So we get to sleep in!!! Tech will start earlier than last year. The exact time is TBD. Plz show up to tech race ready. We r expecting 30+ UTVs. Feel free to call me with any questions 602-769-6164 Please read the 2015 rule book there are some changes. The tech fee is now $30 and $5 will go to the new UTV milestone award!! See ya soon thanks for racing with BITD It's going to be a great year!!
Awesome! I can get used to this sleeping in stuff! Now if we can just get Casey to let us race all 240 miles.
Rodger tech at all BITD events are the day before the race. P250 Tech will be friday, usually all day.
Cory... Im looking for the 2015 rules as well... where can I find them.. the BITD site only shows the 2014.

Great News thanks!
Without going thru line by line, is there any major change that I need to do for a xp41k that raced in 2014 and passed inspection?
we should be racing all 3 laps, although splitting us from bikes and quads is a huge step in the right direction.
Good news and good for Casey to move the UTV's to later time and allow them to be seporate from the Bike/ATV classes. Bad news is a 4 wheel vehicle is still not part of the Parker 400, and is now not even part of the Parker 250. The UTV's are now racing the Parker 160. For some crazy ass reason the UTV class, which is one of the largest BITD classes has been reduced to 160 miles. Talk about being the stepchild!

To be honest I have raced full series, won Championships and guess what? They don't mean squat unless its sponsor driven then you do it for that reason. IMO this race would be better if removed from the series and just let the UTV Championships be the first race and then go to the Mint. Look at the TT class. These guys are not racing a single series any more, at least most aren't. They are picking & choosing the good big races that have value to them & sponsors.

If it was me I would be passing on this Parker 160. And would defiantly not be busting my ass to finish a new car for this race. This is like when I was forced to race the Score Laughlin Challenge. I hated that race. It cost me the same as racing the San Filipe 250 and we were doing less the 100 miles over 2 days.
the question nobody is asking what time does the finish line close. If the pre run crap is at 8 and the award ceremony would be around 6. The finish line would close around 4 to have time to sweep track. That means any problem you DNF first race of year.
Good news and good for Casey to move the UTV's to later time and allow them to be seporate from the Bike/ATV classes. Bad news is a 4 wheel vehicle is still not part of the Parker 400, and is now not even part of the Parker 250. The UTV's are now racing the Parker 160. For some crazy ass reason the UTV class, which is one of the largest BITD classes has been reduced to 160 miles. Talk about being the stepchild!

The past few years UTVs have only gotten 2 of 3 laps at the Parker 250. I have raced it 3 times and never seen it 250 miles for UTV's. i concur we should have all 3 laps.
Would it be possible to post what the new changes are so by chance no one misses something important...?

Great news the UTVs will have their own race!! We will start at 12:00 noon. We will race 2 laps of 80+ miles. Motos and quads start early. So we get to sleep in!!! Tech will start earlier than last year. The exact time is TBD. Plz show up to tech race ready. We r expecting 30+ UTVs. Feel free to call me with any questions 602-769-6164 Please read the 2015 rule book there are some changes. The tech fee is now $30 and $5 will go to the new UTV milestone award!! See ya soon thanks for racing with BITD It's going to be a great year!!
Sleeping in is nice but so is racing a full race! Hopefully one day we can race the full mileage at all BITD races! I also agree that if we are not going to be racing full races we should get the choice of picking which races we attend without it affecting our chase for the championship. I know a lot of racers that would have attended Henderson if BITD didn't have the rule of racing all races to be a contender for the championship. Whats the point of that? In my opinion you can still miss a race and be in the chase. The championship should come down to points only not if you raced every race. Just my two cents.
Either way 2015 is going to be one for the books. Whos ready!?!
I vote for all 3 laps. When it's just bikes, UTVs and quads there is no reason UTVs shouldn't get the full mileage. My opinion is that this race shouldn't be on the schedule. Problem is UTVs are funding the race and keeping it alive I believe. Without the UTV car count BITD couldn't run this race financially or at least profitably.

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