Big Government is trying to SCREW YOU AGAIN!! READ / WATCH

Federal government can kiss my f-bomb ass... sick of bigger and bigger and more intrusive boots on our throats.

When's Texas going to annex ??? Sick of it.
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doesn't the can am seat belt do that already that. If the government steps in does that mean we get more area to ride. or is this like the kid bikes they might eat the plastic so stop making them lol.
what a bunch of efing, democratic morons!!! I just puked....and crapped my pants....

after i cleaned myself up I signed the petition! ;)
doesn't the can am seat belt do that already that. If the government steps in does that mean we get more area to ride. or is this like the kid bikes they might eat the plastic so stop making them lol.

Yep , Kinda like the possible lead poisoning if your Kid Pulls over to eat the Bike because he is so Hungry since Michelle Obamas lunch Program did not serve enough food at lunch.:eek:
I'm completely against the government getting more involved! With that being said this video is terrible. It gives us absolutely no real insight to what they exactly they are wanting to do. It's like a (big name utv) vs (big name utv) video. The comparisons are worthless. Show us exactly how and what they are going to change.
Here is what I find very interesting. The California UTV helmet law was paid for, supported and pushed through by all the UTV Manufactures under the name ROVHA. They found then Senator Paul Cook and got him "draft" a law they wrote for him, and he got the helmet law passed with little to no resistance from the off-road community. For the most part they snuck it by everyone, by using a bill that was originally written as a tax bill.

But now the Federal Government is proposing design standards for UTV's and now the Manufactures are upset and are trying to get all of us UTV users to voice our opinions, and let the Federal Government know we do not support these proposed standards and want them to leave the UTV Manufactures alone.

All I can say is you reap what you sew! The UTV manufactures had no problem paying and getting a Senator to "write" and push a bill threw the Senate floor. But now when its not in their favor, they are crying and asking us to support them. Personally all I have to say to the manufactures is "Bend over and take it like you gave it to us assholes!" Do like you did to us and find yourself another Congressmen that you can grease and get this proposal to go away. Hey Paul Cook is now a Congressmen, maybe you can line his pocket or campaign again and have him help you make this go away.

Dont screw me and then ask me for my help! BTW most things I read that the Government wants mandated are things I would be changing or could bypass anyways. So I'm not to worried. I'm more worried about the Government closing our or selling our public lands for green energy. Lets see the Manufactures send out mass e-mails rallying support and fighting to save our land. That is something I will stand up and back them on.

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