X3 on the classes. Idk why you guys are afraid of the bitd builds. They are just built out further for safety. Bitd or score wouldn't let you in there parking lot with a "stock" fuel tank. :o when our xp900 raced this year it retained the factory shock points when raced. Perkins car was ran with the new shocks and towers but its not a 1 off....give me a call I can sell you that kit off the shelf.

ISA came in and had a good idea. But in my opinion had some weird rules...personally I think more folks would have embraced it if it had not used some of the rules it did. 6-8 classes is too many. As mentioned pro 850-v pro 850-^ and sportsman is all thats needed.

one last thing I'll touch on. The current starting position choice is mind boggling to me. Both BITD &SCORE draw for starting order. It works great, each class has a draw. Each car leaves the line 1 at a time every 30 seconds. It works great. Lou's system for picking running order has made me scratch my head a dozen times. The big guys use it cause it works....why alter?

Got it! We get it! Any major change (if any) won't take place until January 2015.

Starting positions: We tried several options to see how they worked, including "qualifying" and it met with a 50/50 approval rate. We probably knew that going in.
For the PURE "200" coming up we plan to draw for starting positions after 6 p.m. on Thursday before the event. We will draw for starting positions BY CLASS with one vehicle leaving every 30-seconds.
I think this will meet with 90% approval.

BITD/SCORE: Love to have as many of the BITD-build as we can. That's why we have the Unlimited class (our trophy-truck version of it). That's what I would run if I was racing.

However, when we started our series we decided to make it available to ALL...the person who just bought one and wants to find out whether to race it or not, the persons with limited $$$ who still want to compete and of course the Pro racer who will try whatever and spend money doing it.
I think with our current classes we are getting closer to finding a spot for 99% of the racers.

For example:
1. We are thinking of eliminating Class 700 because I don't think we've had a single entry. So that class can be combined with the 850cc Class.
2. We need Sportsman 850 and 1000 only because it goes to the heart of what we have intended to do. Some racers feel they are not ready to go into the PRO Classes, not because they can't necessarily afford it but because they want to see what's going on and how much is it going to take for them to be competitive. Therefore the Sportsman Classes will remain.
3. We are combining for next year the Unlimited 2 & 4 into one where I believe the BITD/SCORE cars belong.
4. PRO 1000 will remain as it is currently.

You have to remember that we counted on someone else doing all the tech'ing for us this year. Now we are having to cram everything quickly before the next race which is the PURE "200" in June. So it's going to take a bit of a learning curve and a modicum amount of patience from you guys. But we'll get it right.

Ideally, when the Formula UTV International Rule Book comes out (in the next few weeks and before the "200"), racers can look it over and start submitting areas where they need to be refined, amended, made less nebulous or simply because they don't make sense. For 2015 we want to have a "kick-arse" rule book that the majority will race under.

A few people have said that since we are the "Farm Team" for BITD and SCORE we can afford to make mistakes, play around with the rules and be lenient.

I say "screw that!" We want to make our PURE UTV/SXS SERIES the "Premier" series in the country and have everyone racing with us because that's where the money is, the best coverage and notoriety can be obtained and the best racers race. Period.

Got it! We get it! Any major change (if any) won't take place until January 2015.

Starting positions: We tried several options to see how they worked, including "qualifying" and it met with a 50/50 approval rate. We probably knew that going in.
For the PURE "200" coming up we plan to draw for starting positions after 6 p.m. on Thursday before the event. We will draw for starting positions BY CLASS with one vehicle leaving every 30-seconds.
I think this will meet with 90% approval.

BITD/SCORE: Love to have as many of the BITD-build as we can. That's why we have the Unlimited class (our trophy-truck version of it). That's what I would run if I was racing.

However, when we started our series we decided to make it available to ALL...the person who just bought one and wants to find out whether to race it or not, the persons with limited $$$ who still want to compete and of course the Pro racer who will try whatever and spend money doing it.
I think with our current classes we are getting closer to finding a spot for 99% of the racers.

For example:
1. We are thinking of eliminating Class 700 because I don't think we've had a single entry. So that class can be combined with the 850cc Class.
2. We need Sportsman 850 and 1000 only because it goes to the heart of what we have intended to do. Some racers feel they are not ready to go into the PRO Classes, not because they can't necessarily afford it but because they want to see what's going on and how much is it going to take for them to be competitive. Therefore the Sportsman Classes will remain.
3. We are combining for next year the Unlimited 2 & 4 into one where I believe the BITD/SCORE cars belong.
4. PRO 1000 will remain as it is currently.

You have to remember that we counted on someone else doing all the tech'ing for us this year. Now we are having to cram everything quickly before the next race which is the PURE "200" in June. So it's going to take a bit of a learning curve and a modicum amount of patience from you guys. But we'll get it right.

Ideally, when the Formula UTV International Rule Book comes out (in the next few weeks and before the "200"), racers can look it over and start submitting areas where they need to be refined, amended, made less nebulous or simply because they don't make sense. For 2015 we want to have a "kick-arse" rule book that the majority will race under.

A few people have said that since we are the "Farm Team" for BITD and SCORE we can afford to make mistakes, play around with the rules and be lenient.

I say "screw that!" We want to make our PURE UTV/SXS SERIES the "Premier" series in the country and have everyone racing with us because that's where the money is, the best coverage and notoriety can be obtained and the best racers race. Period.


unlimited should be for motor swap stuff, just make it like the DSR1 class in BITD. it is easy and cut and dry that way.

If you want to be the 'premier' series, dont try and re-invent the wheel. BITD has been doing this for years and is successful, if you steer in a different direction, you are not going to attract racers from other series. If your rules are like their rules but more lenient, then you will have a bigger pond to fish from, and a better shot to become a premier series. If the rules keep changing every year, it isnt going to be as attractive.
unlimited should be for motor swap stuff, just make it like the DSR1 class in BITD. it is easy and cut and dry that way.

If you want to be the 'premier' series, dont try and re-invent the wheel. BITD has been doing this for years and is successful, if you steer in a different direction, you are not going to attract racers from other series. If your rules are like their rules but more lenient, then you will have a bigger pond to fish from, and a better shot to become a premier series. If the rules keep changing every year, it isnt going to be as attractive.

I can agree with Justin. If you want the premier event don't worry about the rules, worry about enforcing them. At my 2nd race the tech was much different then my first. Work to mark the course the best way possible. ( Orange or Pink ribbons ) not white. Make the event what racers what and people will flock to the event. Nobody I know wants a land rush start. Space the cars out 30 seconds so you not driving in the dust or another guy in the most technical section of the course. Have nice portapotties for the wives who come and don't have a motor home or camper.

Make the rules to keep everyone safe and from there on out don't sweat the details as the guy with possibly the simplest car out there killed everyone twice.
Thank you for all your comments.

You think that after 27 years promoting events and 40 years racing off-road, I would have learned my lesson. But no, let's try to get everyone's opinion.

1. Too many Classes
2. There should be more classes
3. Why combine classes?
4. Enforce the current rules, period!
5. But the current rules at the very least are vague. Clarify them.
6. Don't need to rewrite the rule book if you want to be the "Premier" Series in the sport. Enforce them.
7. I think shock positions at the bottom should remain stock but upper can be moved.
8. If a vehicle is Production all the stock mounts must remain in stock configuration, otherwise put them in the Unlimited Class.
9. Why separate cars and lessen the PRO Purse. The more cars is one PRO Class the better for everyone.
10. Mark the courses better. Don't use white ribbon, use pink or orange to see them better. (This will not change for the night races because white is the only color you'll be able to see, but we will certainly mark them with different colors for the day-time races.)
11. Why worry about the classes, a guy with an almost stock car has won the Overall twice in the series. It's the driver. Bunch them all together and make the purse even bigger.
12. Make just two classes...PROS and Sportsman.

As you can see there are a lot of opinions but no concrete answers.
Therefore, with the exception of a few changes, the rule book will remain basically the same and we will enforce those rules.

Please read them over again (see posting on our website of the FUTVI rule book - www.averacing.com), because we are going to enforce them.

There have been a few people complaining about certain cars not belonging in a particular class. We don't have an issue with that. If you see a car signed up in the Production Class and you feel that it does not belong there, bring it to our attention, we will check the rule book and if indeed it does not meet the criteria to be in the Production Class it will be moved into the Unlimited Class. Lets do this at the race site where we can discuss it and make the final decision.

We are still a grass-roots organization that is destined to grow. We are going through growing pains. No problem. I accept that.
So let's work together to make it better now and not wait until it creates bigger problems for many.

Most of the people in the various classes are friends and fellow racers who can talk to each other. That's great and we are proud to have those racers.
So let's decide now whether someone can and cannot run in a certain class. Remember, most of you are asking us to "enforce the rules" and we shall.

I can also think of a scenario at the next event, where one racer feels that a particular car or cars do not belong in the class. I don't have a problem with everyone racing in that class having the option to accept or deny a particular car or cars in said class.

Listen, we will be the first to admit that we got caught with our pants down by losing our sanctioning body and having to establish a new one. We get it and we are trying to remedy that problem. So we have to learn as well and we have to do it now.

The next event does not start until 6 p.m. on Saturday night. I will open Tech at 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Saturday to give us sufficient time to make sure we get everyone tech'ed and problems resolved.

If everyone agrees we will have a great race that is fair, challenging and whomever wins, should get the most credit.

Oh, yes. One car every 30 seconds. We draw for starting position on the Thursday before the race, after 6 p.m. Drawing will be by Class. Pros start first followed by Sportsman and of course Bone Stock.
Course will be thoroughly marked with reflective tape to ensure you can find your way around and everyone will have access to the "kml" file from Google Earth as well as a course map to carry with you.

That's all for now.

Lou Peralta
Is the stock class completely stock with the parts that come from the factory like A arms and shocks?

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Don't wait to the last minute. Send for your FUTVI Membership now and don't wait in line. 2014-2015 Rules are posted on our website: www.averacing.com
When you buy your membership ($25) you'll get the "new" pocket-book rule book (Regular prices $15), in your hot little hands.
Do it!
Don't wait to the last minute. Send for your FUTVI Membership now and don't wait in line. 2014-2015 Rules are posted on our website: www.averacing.com
When you buy your membership ($25) you'll get the "new" pocket-book rule book (Regular prices $15), in your hot little hands.
Do it!

What do you do if you bought the ISA one but never got your card?
Mike never gave me a receipt I got it last year. But never received a card. I thought I would get it in the mail but it never came.

You must have something. When did you pay it? How? Did you pay with check? If the check was written after April 2013, then let us see a copy of the paid one. You're good.

If it was written before May 1, dude you need to get a new membership. This time you will not only get a receipt if you pay it via credit card or however, but you will also get a FUTVI membership card and then a FUTVI Rule Book!. All that for $25 and knowing that you've help get something really good started for everyone.

You must have something. When did you pay it? How? Did you pay with check? If the check was written after April 2013, then let us see a copy of the paid one. You're good.

If it was written before May 1, dude you need to get a new membership. This time you will not only get a receipt if you pay it via credit card or however, but you will also get a FUTVI membership card and then a FUTVI Rule Book!. All that for $25 and knowing that you've help get something really good started for everyone.


Don't think I got anything. I paid cash Adrian never got anything either. I just got off the phone with him. F-WORD it as long as I get a cool card this time I am happy lol.

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