///AIRDAM Clutches is heading out west again

Yeah it was Vegas to Reno last year, just after the first spindle snapped off at pit 4. One of the crew got "over heated" Total rookie move

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It was on the floor. In the shower. He apparently got In the shower fully dressed with his shoes on and all. And afterwards rolled in the floor. I am sure it had something to do with the constant diet of beer, from the time he wakes up till the time he goes to bed.
It was on the floor. In the shower. He apparently got In the shower fully dressed with his shoes on and all. And afterwards rolled in the floor. I am sure it had something to do with the constant diet of beer, from the time he wakes up till the time he goes to bed.
I forgot about the rolling on the floor!!!!! I do remember the mud in the shower though.

Safe travels to you Adam!

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Jim-dam. 2 quality fellas right there. Miss hanging with you dudes. Enjoyed my first desert race as a spectator for the first time in 5 years or more. Just me and a cooler full of Stout watching moneybags entering into the next chapter of his racing career. That dude is as badass ad they come. I don't see him pulling over to let a Brenthal or Camburgh truck pass, that's for sure.. He's one competitive hombre, in one badass truck. I ranked him about third or fourth fastest when we saw him at RM 3 in Parker. If he isn't challenging for the points lead come the 1000, I'd be surprised.
Ricks humping on Marcs turbo car as I type this. They're hoping to head out tomorrow. C-ya!
Jim-dam. 2 quality fellas right there. Miss hanging with you dudes. Enjoyed my first desert race as a spectator for the first time in 5 years or more. Just me and a cooler full of Stout watching moneybags entering into the next chapter of his racing career. That dude is as badass ad they come. I don't see him pulling over to let a Brenthal or Camburgh truck pass, that's for sure.. He's one competitive hombre, in one badass truck. I ranked him about third or fourth fastest when we saw him at RM 3 in Parker. If he isn't challenging for the points lead come the 1000, I'd be surprised.
Ricks humping on Marcs turbo car as I type this. They're hoping to head out tomorrow. C-ya!

Reid where have you been? Its funner around here when you are around.
I really cannot state the impact you've had on my life Reid. Th ask you for all the things that you taught me in the middle of the night in Marc's shop. You were under the gun all the time,but still managed to take time to teach me invaluable things in the off road world.

On our last trip together, the mint 400 last year, when you and I left jamul at 11pm and drove all night to Vegas was a rough one. Then to go to bed for a couple of hours to take the car through tech. It was he first time that I'd had to do that and I was really nervous. Again thank you for introducing me to the addiction that they call desert racing!

P.S. The cage that I'm building for my turbo Mav is almost done. The car is almost complete. I'll send you some pictures. Glad to hear you chime in on the forum Reid, this place isn't the same without you......
Still can't believe you passed on the deal for the Fox edition RZR you were offered. But in hindsight, the mav is a far more capable ute out of the box. Wish I had more time to refine the RZR. Even if I did, I'm sure I still would have concluded that the success Polaris enjoys is as much a product of the number of RZR's vs the competition as anything else. If Guthrie is racing a full BITD sesson, there's gonna be a shake up in the comfort level of the top teams. Man, I don't know how Marc and me would match up against the increased level of today's competition. Thanks for the kind words buddy, and to you as well Haans. You are a voice of reason, and are not afraid to chime in against the grain. Your wisdom about these cars is infitesimal!
Well, back to my stout and doggies.
I'll be at the Mint. How say you?
Jim-dam. 2 quality fellas right there. Miss hanging with you dudes. Enjoyed my first desert race as a spectator for the first time in 5 years or more. Just me and a cooler full of Stout watching moneybags entering into the next chapter of his racing career. That dude is as badass ad they come. I don't see him pulling over to let a Brenthal or Camburgh truck pass, that's for sure.. He's one competitive hombre, in one badass truck. I ranked him about third or fourth fastest when we saw him at RM 3 in Parker. If he isn't challenging for the points lead come the 1000, I'd be surprised.
Ricks humping on Marcs turbo car as I type this. They're hoping to head out tomorrow. C-ya!

Man I missed seeing you out their and thanks for the kinda words I was hoping you would come hang out in the pits and teach my guys a thing or two ! not that the pits are a great spectating area. Im hoping that ranking you gave me gets a little better with time ! we learned alot at Parker and lost 25 minutes to problems and had to pass some of the same cars twice ! if you need a place to hang out and get your hands dirty I may try and do the mint in the truck and rzr lol I hate throwing away 8th place in points when I think I can be a podium racer in BITD
Good to hear from you Reid! I like many others have missed hearing from you on the site and in general. I keep saying I'll call you and see whats going on, but then I get side tracked with life! Hope all is going well with you & the dogs.

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