4130 Clothing and the 4405 “Land-use†team partner for Griffin King of the Hammers


Apparel Wizard - Official UTVUnderground Sponsor
Partnership will focus on bringing land-use issues to the younger crowd.

4130 Clothing (4130 Clothing) and the 4405 “land-use†Team (OV Rock-Sports - Home) have partnered for the 2011 Griffin King of the Hammers (King of the Hammers and Ultra4Racing.com | Unlimited 4WD Off-Road Racing). The partnership will focus on getting land-use issues into the eyes of younger OHV users, who normally are not involved with keeping public lands open to the public. According to 4405 team manager and promoter Kurt Schneider, “If you were to attend a trail work party or land-use meeting, you will see that most of the people in attendance are over 35 years of age. In order for our sport to survive, we need to get the younger generation aware of land-use issues, active in trail stewardship and educate them in responsible use. Teaming up with 4130 clothing will give us a way to reach out to that younger generation. Furthermore, 4130 clothing is very active in the land-use realm, so we are excited to partner with them.â€

To read the full article, please go to http://www.4130clothing.com/www/rac...ringing-land-use-issues-to-the-younger-crowd/

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