2nd Annual Fall Fuel Fest November 2, 2013


H&S Performance, Flo Pro, SGMX and Off Road Sports Proudly Presents 2nd Annual Fall Fuel Fest November 2, 2013
St. George, UT

On Nov 2, H&S Performance is teaming up with Flo Pro, Off Road Sports and SGMX to bring you the 2nd Annual Fall Fuel Fest.

Fall Fuel Fest is a multi-sport, horsepower-packed spectators paradise that has everything a gear-head could ever want. From UTV, MotoX, Diesel Dyno competitions and FMX. This year we will be adding Tuff Truck racing and 2 World Record long jump attempts. One will be to set a World Record in a Daugherty Racing’s Luca Oil Pro Light race truck and the other will be to break the current record in UTV by WORCS National Champion Ryan Piplic in his factory Polaris Razor.

With $75,000 in cash and prizes, Fall Fuel Fest will bring in hundreds of top competitors in MotoX, UTV racing, and diesel motor sports. With one of the toughest courses ever built, the bike and the UTV classes will have to battle through the carnage as they fight for BIG cash prizes! This course makes anything else look a ride in park. Tuff Truck races will be brutal as these incredible truck battle for the cash

Watch as the highest horsepower diesel trucks in the world compete in a Horse Power Dyno competition. With more cash at stake than any Dyno competition in the nation, rest assured these guys will give it their all to win. Bring your own truck to find out what kind of power you are making, or simply sit back and watch the action. With classes from stock to unlimited, this competition will be fun to compete in, exciting to watch, and give everyone a chance to win cash and prizes!

An FMX crew is set to deliver a show you won’t want to miss during the evening part of show as we set new world records in two categories. Pro Light trucks, no one has ever attempted this but we look to be near 200’. Then we are going to break the current record UTV record with Ryan Piplics factory Polaris Razor. Ryan says 160’ is his goal and we will provide the space to and venue to do that incredible jump. Bring your camera’s, as these guys aren’t afraid of being wild and crazy. If you were at last years event this one is going even further over the top. Don’t miss this opportunity to see it all up close and personal. Show up early for some autographs, or simply sit back and enjoy the show!

And for the most incredible ride of the weekend book on line for a ride in the 2 seater Daugherty Racing Pro Light truck. Take two laps that will change the way you see motor sports for ever.

Whether you want to compete with your bike or truck, or just watch all the action, Fall Fuel Fest is the DON’T MISS EVENT OF THE YEAR!!!

November 2, 2013

info@fallfuelfest.com or check out the site at www.fallfuelfest.com

or call 435-635-1597

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