2015 BITD UTV Contingency Programs




There seems to be quite a few utv related companies missing from the contingency list. Joey, you need to get on the phone and fill in the blanks! Haha :)
We need more UTV related stuff for sure and someone to ensure they pay up. I have only had one company ever follow through with contingency prizes. Not that I have had a podium lately, but just sayin'
We need more UTV related stuff for sure and someone to ensure they pay up. I have only had one company ever follow through with contingency prizes. Not that I have had a podium lately, but just sayin'

I've heard that about UTV teams not getting their contingency from other orgs. That doesn't happen here at BITD. That is part of my job, to follow up with the companies to ensure they honor their awards - and I do, but it goes both ways. I won't know if you are missing something unless you contact me.
I only race BITD and have been since 2008 and didn't there was a person to follow up with.
That's me. I or my staff ask you and the other UTVs if you want to claim contingency when you're going through the line heading to tech, but most of you say no - due to the reason you stated. You would know me if you saw me :) I'm at every car/truck race, but will now also be at every UTV event.
The Murray Racing Team (1917) and I want to personally thank Glamis Girlie for her continued support to off road racing. She works tirelessly in the heat/dust and is almost always smiling during the contingency and race day. We were pitted a couple spots west of her in the Hot Pits and it was unfortunate one group wouldn't comply with her demand to stay back off the pit lane and have to call out the BLM. I would have spoken to those guys if I had known of the problem before the BLM showed up. Again, thank you GiGi!
Hey Jamie, this is Branden Sims and I was curious how to claim or follow up on the contingency prizes from the UTV World Championships? It looks like there were a few on the list above that I had signed up for and haven't heard anything back from them. Rugged Radios did give me my $200 in store credit

Thank you,

And BTW thank you for everything you do!!!!!

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