2011 GNCC Racing UTV Competition Rules


2011 GNCC UTV Competition Rules

2011 GNCC Racing UTV Competition Rules on GNCC Racing

The following rules and regulations are solely applicable to Grand National Cross Country events. Please direct all questions and inquiries to Racer Productions, Inc. All decisions by Racer Productions are final.


1. The UTV race will be a one (1) hour race starting at 4:30 pm, or as soon thereafter as possible.

2. UTV registration will be held race day from 2 - 3 pm.

3. Drivers are responsible for the actions of their entire pit crew.

4. Teams will be disqualified for driving on a GNCC course during the 7 days prior to the first day of the event.

5. AMA membership is not required.

6. GNCC Racing does not provide medical insurance for competitors, and we urge you not to compete without it. Medical insurance is the sole responsibility of the competitor.


1. Teams: Competitors will register as a Team. A Team consists of a driver and a passenger. Teams may switch drivers and/or passenger from event to event, but not during an event.

2. Age: All competitors, including drivers and passengers, must be at least 18 years old.


1. Open Modified: (751-Open cc) Production models. Engine and suspension modifications permitted. Polaris RZR S models restricted to Open Modified Class.

2. Open Limited: (751-Open cc) Production models. The following limited items can be changed or added: tires, wheels, bumpers, skid plates, airbox, filter, fuel controller, and exhaust. No other suspension or internal motor modifications permitted. Bed supports may be removed. Frame reinforcements are permitted. Clutch and ignition changes are permitted. After market production roll cages are permitted so long as they maintain OEM material specifications and OEM mounting locations.

3. Lites Modified: (0-750cc) Production models. Engine and suspension modifications permitted.

4. Production Rule: OEM motor and matching frame combination 4-wheel drive model required. Frame geometry must remain as designed by the OEM.


1. Machine Width can be a maximum 60 inches.

2. The following equipment is required for all machines:

a. Four point harness restraints, securely fastened on both occupants at all times;

b. Full roll cages;

c. Foot restraints;

d. Side-nets;

e. Doors;

f. Silencer/Muffler;

g. Fire Extinguisher clearly mounted and easily retrievable by officials/the public; and

h. Working Kill/Off Switch clearly marked and easily available for officials/the public to pull.

3. The following gear is required for all competitors:

a. Helmets;

b. Protective eyewear; and

c. Fire suits with a minimum rating of _____.

4. Rear tail/brake lights must remain on at all times.

5. The machine a team leaves the starting line on is the official machine of the team for that event, and may not be switched during the event.

6. Fuel can only be carried inside the machine's fuel tank.

7. No horns, bells or other sound devices are permitted on machines.

8. Machine sound level cannot exceed 99 dbs.

9. Turbo and Supercharging are prohibited.

10. Machines may be tested by officials any time prior to, during or after the event.


1. Competitors will be identified by the Team name. Both the driver and the passenger must be present at registration and sign all required forms.

2. Teams must register for the race before operating their machine anywhere on the facility. Drivers may not exceed 5 mph when traveling to/from their pit area, and occupants must always wear a helmet.

3. Teams must obtain a transponder. Transponders can be purchased or rented at each event. For best results, mount the unit on the front hood or front of the roll cage. It is recommended that transponders be mounted in front of the engine. Transponders have a 2-year battery life from the date printed on the unit. Once the unit fails to read at Tech Inspection, or exceeds the battery life, riders must purchase/rent a new unit.

4. Teams will receive two numbered tags. Place the white numbered tag

on the lower left chin of the helmet; place the colored tag on the

back of the machine directly behind the driver's head on the roll cage.

5. All machines and competitor helmets must be taken through Tech Inspection prior to racing for the purpose of inspecting transponder functioning, helmet tag placement, and number assignment. Safety equipment and machine eligibility are the sole responsibility of the Team.


1. Teams will be assigned a Start Row. Teams shall line up on their assigned row when directed by the race official. No one is permitted on the starting line until authorized.

2. A Drivers Meeting will be conducted on the starting line before the start of each race. All competitors are responsible for attending.

3. The start of the race will be a live engine, rolling start, as follows:

a. Teams will roll up to the Start Line when directed and stop;

b. The Official will throw the green flag signaling the start of the row;

c. The next row will roll up to the start and stop, awaiting the Official's signal;

d. Rows will start approximately 5-10 seconds apart.

4. Teams starting before the green flag signal will be penalized.


1. Transponder scoring is the official scoring procedure for GNCC.

2. There will be one checkpoint at the Finish Line. Machines must come to a complete stop at the Finish Line checkpoint. The section from the Finish Line to the Finish Line Checkpoint is a "No Passing" zone.

3. Teams may not be serviced or pitted in the area between the Finish Line and the Finish Line Checkpoint, or in the area immediately after the Finish Line Checkpoint.


1. A GNCC UTV course will generally be between 3-4 miles in length, and may include trails, footpaths, roads, hills, motocross tracks, or any type of terrain which can be negotiated by a UTV.

2. The course will be open to inspection Saturday. Teams are permitted to walk or bicycle the course only.

3. Marking, cutting, tampering with or otherwise changing the course in any manner is strictly prohibited. Course modifications may only be made by an official.

4. No one, except officials and drivers officially entered, may drive on the race course at any time during the event.


1. Machines must remain on the marked course. The marked course is within 25 feet of race arrows. However, machines must stay within the confines of the following markers: double arrows posted on both sides of the trail, ribbons, signs, stakes, hay bales, barrels, motocross track, grass track, etc..

2. Teams encountering a traffic jam or bottleneck may go more than 25 feet off the course to get around the bottleneck only. However, the Team must re-enter the course as soon as possible, and upon approaching this section the next lap, must drive the original arrowed section if the track is clear. If the original marking devices are knocked down, the Team must stay on the original marked course regardless. A "bottleneck" is a section of the track that becomes impassable for any reason, with the exception of check points.

3. Machines may not cut to the inside of a white pole corner marker.

4. If a machine leaves the course for any reason it must re-enter where it left.

5. Teams may make repairs and otherwise receive mechanical assistance anywhere along the course from anyone. All such repairs and assistance must be made without causing interference with other competitors in a suitable area off the racetrack.

6. Internal Radio communication is permitted between drivers and passengers, but not between driver/passengers and pit crew members.

7. Reckless Driving. No driver may operate his machine in such a manner as to endanger life or limb of other competitors, officials or the public. Drivers will be penalized for the reckless operation of their machine, including but not limited to the deliberate ramming, blocking or intentional contact with another Team, or for running into an official. Competitors are solely responsible for their own safety.

8. Team Tactics are prohibited, and include but are not limited to: blocking, allowing another Team to pass in order to affect the outcome of the race, or exchanging machines in order for another Team to continue the race. Teams involved will be penalized.

9. Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Persons whose appearance, conduct, associations or affiliations, on or off the track, deemed not conducive to the best interest of this sport or who exhibit conduct which is inappropriate, offensive, abrasive or in bad taste, may be excluded or suspended from GNCC at the discretion of the Race Director.

Competitors engaged in any event, public appearance, media activity or any other situation relating to their participation in the series must refrain from intentional physical contact with any participant, inappropriate or profane language, fraud, and unsportsmanlike behavior. At the sole discretion of GNCC, competitors who exhibit behaviors deemed inappropriate or unsportsmanlike, prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the sport, or detract from the enjoyment, appreciation or interests of the fans, sponsors or other supporters of the sport, may be penalized by monetary fine, docking of championship points, or both. Such penalties are not subject to protest or appeal.


1. The race officially ends for all contestants at the completion of the lap in which the checkered flag is displayed to the winner.

2. To be considered as having completed a lap, the driver and his machine must cross the plane of the checkered flag under the machine's unaided ability. Towing is not allowed. If a machine is towed in from the course, that lap will not count.

3. Machines will be scored in order of finish and laps completed. It is not necessary to complete all laps in order to be scored.

4. Results: Teams have 30 minutes to finish the race after the overall winner takes the checkered flag. A Team may question the results within the 30-minute period following posting of the final results. After 30 minutes, awards will be given out.

5. Awards are given at the rate of 1 per 3 team entries, with a minimum of 5 awards per class. To win an award, a team must complete 50% of the laps of the class winner. One award will be given per team.

6. Impound: After the race, the top three overall teams, as well as any other team requested by an official to do so, must leave their machines at a designated impound area until released by the official.

7. Protests must be in writing and specify the grounds for the protest.

8. Penalties will be assessed at the discretion of the official based on the severity of the offense, and may include one or more of the following: position(s), lap(s), time adjustment, disqualification, suspension, loss of championship points, fine, probation, etc.


Class Championships will be determined by a Team's best finishes in a minimum number of 5 events. A Team must enter a minimum of 5 events in order to be eligible for series awards and national class ranking. The minimum number of events does not have to be in the same class.

Points will be earned in each class per event as follows:

1 - 20

5 - 16

9 - 12

13 - 8

17 - 4

2 - 19

6 - 15

10 - 11

14 - 7

18 - 3

3 - 18

7 - 14

11 - 10

15 - 6

19 - 2

4 - 17

8 - 13

12 - 9

16 - 5

20 - 1

Ties: Ties for the Class Championship will be broken by the most first place finishes, then by the best finish in the final race of the season if necessary. Ties for other class positions will be broken by the best finish in the final race of the season.


The electronic scoring system provides a complete overall race finish for each event. Points will be accumulated for National Number assignment and can be viewed as a gage toward overall ranking for the year.

National Numbers will be assigned based on overall finishes in at least 4 and as many as 6 events. The minimum number of events does not have to be in the same class.

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