#1960 DSR1 Mint 400 Race Report W/VIDEO


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It all started for us the weekend before the race.. We received our axles from GearOne the Friday of the 16th so we slapped them in that night and buttoned a few other loose ends up. About 10pm Friday night the Bazurk Industries 1960 DSR1 rolled out of the shop for the first time ever under its own power. After a quick trip around the office park and a few clutch slave cylinder adjustments, we decided it was ready for its first/last test run before we carted it down to Vegas the following weekend for the Mint!

The testing went fairly well, however we discovered a small oil leak after about 15 miles. With a little more diagnosis we decided to put an early end to our test session. We took the car back to the shop and went to work on getting the oil leaked fixed and a making few other tweaks to the suspension that we found were much needed. The parts we needed finally came in Wednesday afternoon. We got it put back together that night and before we knew it we were loading up Thursday morning and headed to Vegas with only our 15 mile test run on the car.

What to say about the Tech./Contingency on Fremont St. other than wow!! It was a great experience and BITD definitely deserves a pat on the back for their organization and ability to conduct an event of that size so smoothly. Cory Sappington was also great at the tech and safety inspection. He took his time to look over our car, as it was essentially a brand new. He offered great feedback on several things and then we were off down contingency row to get the new car all stickered up! An hour or so later we were in the police escort back to the on-loading area.

3:30am comes awful early, even if you do pick up an hour going from Utah to Vegas. It is still brutal!! Our team was up and at it bright and early and arrived at the main pit/start around 4:30am. Staging started around 5am as BITD had planned, and not too long after the UTV's were lined up and ready to make our way to the start line. Drawing first, we started next to Rich Ratto from CA in his RX1 powered Rhino.

When the green light finally came on for us I let out the clutch and blah, killed it!! I would like to say it was something mechanical, but unfortunately the car was working great at that point, just driver error and no practice driving the DSR1. We got it fired up quickly and were off on the hunt for Rich through the starting turns. As we headed out into the desert I can only say two words.... DUST & SILT! You couldn't see the hood of your own car, let alone where you were going, the silt was deep and thick. About 1/4 mile down the road we came up on the back of Rich who I think had run up behind a Jeepspeed that was stuck in the silt. At the last minute we jumped off the road to the left and made our way around them. Still fighting the dust, we continued this way for the next two or three miles until Cory passed us in his Can-Am. He was moving! We lost a couple more positions while we cruised along getting the feel for the car. At about race mile 7 there was another Jeepspeed stuck in a silty corner so I tried to shift down and go around them. The gear shifter went forward, but the engine didn't shift down. I knew we had a problem and pulled over to the side.

We jumped out of the car to get it fixed before anyone passed us, but after 10-15 minutes of trying to adjust the cable, etc. we accepted the fact our shifter wasn't going to work. By this time just about the entire field of UTV's had passed us. We decided to put the car in 1st gear using a pair of pliers to shift the trans itself. We went this pace for about 300' and decided we should try second. We went 2nd gear pace for another 300' and decided we should try 3rd. When we got out to click it up to third we noticed we had a small slit in one of our front tire firewalls.. Sweet! So we got that changed, clicked it up to third, and headed on our way. Our car is geared REALLY low because we were worried about turning the heavy 30" bfg/15" wheel combo. As you can see in the video, our third gear is only good for about 50mph before the engine sounds like it is going to blow up. We cruised this way trouble free from that point until pit one which was about race mile 36. Rather than continue on and risk getting stuck in a silt bed and burning up our clutch, we decided to accept defeat and drive the car under its own power back to the main pit while we still could.

Overall, the 1960 Bazurk Industries DSR1 and its team had a great time in Vegas, despite the disappointing race! We will definitely have the car fixed and some more test miles on it before the next one! I want to give a special thanks to Bob with Raber Racing, their prototype hubs and spindles performed great. A few small adjustments and they will quickly be making their way to the front lines of the UTV suspension industry! Also a shout out to Black Rhino for their pit support, BFG tires for getting us through the sharp rocks largely unscathed, and of course Bazurk Industries for building a great car and outfitting it with some sexy graphics!

Here is a gopro video showing parts of the course from probably race mile 10 to just outside pit one at race mile 36. We still have some adjustments to make to the suspension, but you can see how much fun these DSR1's would be if you could shift them down and up, this is only one gear!


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Awesome write up guys! It was good meeting you. Thanks for all your support! We really appreciate it. Hope to see you guys at SS300!
Hey Cody, It was great meeting you & your dad/ Bobby & his crew. We had a great time, boy that start - we came ripping around the turn & bam theres a tipped over jeep good thing I had reverse, we had to blow through about 3 ft of dirt to get around him. We finally caught to you at the street. I would have liked to talked to you and your dad more ( I was so overwhelmed & down on sleep). Hope to race against you guys again.

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