
Drove 12 hrs to Vegas, next day tech, rugged radios helped us set up the radios (great guys) worked until 4:30 in 110 deg heat to finish our car. next riders meeting & dinner.We went to bed at 10:00 up at 2 am lined up at 5:45 - sat until 6:45 until start. Game plan run 60% 1st half & pick up the pace 2nd half (yea right!). Bobby dnf'ed in about 40 miles, so all we had to do is finish to win. Our suspension was to tight, each pit we were backing off the dampening (had no testing time since stretching frame). Tom got sick at pit 6 & again at pit 8 (at least 1 hr delay). gps doesn't show the track anymore. Moving along trophy trucks were on us just after pit 6 (240 miles). By the way they tear up the silt beds & throw bolders out in the middle of the track, made a trench imposible to pass. We got stuck! It was 5ft deep 109 deg temp. We jumped out & were digging out when class 1s & trucks were coming up FAST. We were like prairie dogs - diging & poping up looking for incoming. I was running out to flag the trucks down & divert to the side, the scariest part was 2 of them were coming, I grabed the broken danger sign (something Casy might want to consider anything within 30 ft of the track is going to get smashed by those crazy mf ers), flagged off the 1st one the 2nd one was still in the dust (finally saw me) my son was yelling at me to get out of the way, keep in mind they were doing about 100+mph. We had our winch lead out I was tring to get somebody to stop (assholes). Finally flagged down a terex (he saved our lives). That was the most intense 1 hr of my life. We blew the belt getting free, pulled off took 1hr to change (should of been 10 min.) We were so beat . The silt beds were tore up we were plowing through way slower than earler (what was 6 to 8 " deep was now 2 ft deep). My gas pedal felt funny couldn't get full throttle, pulled into the pits & found my floor boards were full of silt 5" thick had to pull panels to scoop out ,another 45 min to fix (it was now taking me 5 min to get out of my seat) silt was coming through the front window hitting you in the face (like tons of water coming over the bow of a boat). had to clean the floor boards again 2 pits later. My butt was soaked (my camel back leaked into my seat - what next!) I was so f ing tired still had 76 miles to go it was 12:00 (ironman my ass should be called ironbutt). we finally got in after 2am. Drove to the hotel figured we had been up 27 hrs with 4 hrs sleep the night before. I saw our pit captin Dave sleeping standing up. while I was checking in. My wife couldn't walk to the hotel room slept in the truck until I carried her in . Highly recommend to try it. Rich
Sounds like a crazy amount of work but all worth it.

Thanks for the write up, i would love to make the race it some day but this is a lot of fun keeping up with all of you until then.

Sounds like you did a great job with the race, good job.
Bryan :cool:
Great write up. Sometimes desert racing can be a pain but, becomes addicting and so much fun! Congrats on the finish! That's awesome.
you guys were the ones with snowmobile motor right. if so congrats your crew are some nice people we hung out with them at pit 10 for a while. keep up the good work.
Glad to hear you guys finished. I talked to one of your crew at contingnecy for a few min. Looks like you guys were hard at it when I came by. Hopefully I'll be out there next season boosting the DSR1 numbers and giving you guys someone to chase!:D
Way to go guys. This race was a disappointment to say the least. We lost an injector in the pits before we even left the start. You don't go to VTR and back out before the start so we took off hoping the second injector that kicks in over 4k rpm would keep things alive. You saw us go by early but by mile 20 the motor was not doing well. We limped to pit one and felt lucky to get off the course. Great job with the finish. The car goes to Yamaha tomorrow for another new motor. See you in Parker!
Rich thats funny
''...my ass hurts.....you should try it...''

Congrats on your finish, last year we lost a motor at 307, we would have worked all night to get a finish if we could have.

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