08 Teryx just shuts down.


New Member
A couple of times this summer, while out running around at night, my 08 teryx just dies. Im guessing it may just be over heating, but I do not get the over heating light on the dash. I also just put in a Trail Tech Vector dash with temp gauge and it never showed that the temp should be an issue. Let it sit for long enough to drink a cold beer and it was fine. My friends 10' teryx did the same thing. WTF!!!!
Sounds like you have a bad coil pack. To check ride the thing around until it quits then pull a spark plug boot, stick a screw driver in the boot and hold the metal part of it just over a grounded area (anywhere on the engine will do). Be sure you're only holding the plastic and crank the engine. If you don't get a spark the coil pack is likely bad. If you get a spark it could be fuel related, tank not venting properly, vapor locking ect.... I had Rhino that would vapor lock because of the way the fuel line was routed to the throttle body.
The engine stops running. kinda like its running out of fuel. It never did it in the dunes, just running around out in the desert. In the dunes we are hauling a$$ for 20-30 min. at a time. Out in the dez, we r just putting along. Thats what made me think of a heat related issue.
check to insure that your vent line isn't plugged (there is a one way valve in line too). You might be pulling a vacuum in the tank, seen it before. Engine dies, then the tank vacuum relieves so you can pump uot fuel again.

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