Recent content by kdub41

  1. K

    check this out!

    i have a new forum just for shortcourse rc cars. visit us at
  2. K

    Happy Dirty 30 Joey D

    happy birthday old man haha jk how oyu been bro
  3. K

    July 11th Glamis PAd 3

    have fun in 115 degree weather
  4. K

    Party in the pits

    oh sweet man well when you do get some axles hit me up bro i want to go riding with you
  5. K

    Party in the pits

    haha if that makes you get those gorillas so we can finally go mash then maybe i will lol
  6. K

    Party in the pits

    thanks joey for everything man big help and i have that money so let me know how to send it to you
  7. K

    Bee Canyon Ride Fathers Day?

    dammit lol i would be down but i am stuck working go figure lol
  8. K

    Party in the pits

    ok deffinately the most fun i have had in a long time everyone was way cool and just fun to bs about eachothers cars. And joey thanks again for the swag bud, very much appreciated. Sometime soon we will all get together and get a ride out and it will be a weekend dont worry lol. ill clear my...
  9. K


    well just let me know guys and i will be down to go riding!!!
  10. K


    haha family wagon knows my wack ass schedule lol but let me know and i will try and make it
  11. K

    200 members in 2 weeks

    sweet man good deal i will see you then i plan on being there around 4 or 5 in the afternoon.
  12. K

    200 members in 2 weeks

    well hey man congrats JoeyD you created an awesome forum and i have been spreading the word! hey man so do you think i can get a couple of black UG stickers? i want to tag up my car :D
  13. K

    Party in the pits

    they are doing practice that day, then after practice is when the party starts
  14. K

    25" or 26''

    im running 26's with a 14in douglas rim with omf bead locks, i love them but you can tell a power differece for sure but i love the tires

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