For immediate press release …
Overall Points Champ 2015 – Bradley Howe
Bone Stock 1000 – Four-seat Showroom Stock!
Here is why. For the money spent, there is no other series that returns more for your buck than AVE/Baja Promotions, California City’s, CA most successful promotions company.
In only its third year since AVE offered the PURE UTV OFF-ROAD DESERT Series, it has gained the respect and following of some of the top racers in the sport.
Having said that, we think that racing with us, AVE/BP Racing is probably the most fun, incredibly varied, less stressful and certainly the most cost-effective way to feed your passion.
No other organization welcomes the first-timer more than at the AVE races. We are the only organization in the Country that offers the Bone Stock 1000 and Bone Stock 900 & Under, both Sportsman Classes in our series (among all classes). This is AVE/BP’s way to introduce you to the sport. Whether you are a seasoned veteran that has been racing motorcycles, Quads, or buggies for years, or whether you’ve been playing golf or tennis on most weekends but suddenly you and your kids and family are trying something new. We are there for you.
The Bone Stock Classes, by the way, are the simplest way to get into UTV racing: Go to your local dealer, plunk down from $15,000 to $25,000 on a two or four-seat unit, and then come out and race with us. In these classes you are not allowed any modifications or upgrades to performance products (good way to keep you from spending too much the first time out), except for the addition of safety features such as; netting, belts, lights, radio, GPS, fire extinguisher, etc. and that’s it. It is simple, inexpensive and no less fun because you will be racing in a Class with others exactly like you.
This is also a great Class to help promote other "Brands" of UTVs that are just starting to come into the sport. Sort of like their testing grounds.
Needless to say we welcome all brands of UTV to participate at any level with us.
Cost effective:
Here is where we distinguish ourselves over other organizations: With our new entry structure for 2016 (It only went up by $20.00), being $400.00 entry in the Pro Classes and $200.00 in the Sportsman Classes, we know that there is no other organization that offers as much value and fun with so little cost.
We still offer the Pro 1000 and Sportsman 1000 Classes plus Pro 900 and Sportsman 900, Pro 850 & Under and Sportsman, Classes. This year we’ve added the PURE “Super 1900” Class for those cars currently racing in the BITD and SCORE events, the “Turbo” Class and the Unlimited 1001cc & Over – Class (using motorcycle or Snowmobile power plants). This is a class for those who continue to experiment and break new ground for the future.
However, here is where we believe we are so effective, especially in the Pro divisions where it takes a lot less money to build the Pro Purse than at any other organization. For example, $200.00 of the $400,00 Pro entry goes to the Pro Class. That means that with a ten-car entry in the Pro Division, there is a $2,000.00 purse. (We often have upwards of 15 or 20 Pro 1000 cars which means there may be as much as $3,000 to $4,000 in the Pro Purse.)
The cost effectiveness is evident when you compare racing with another organizations where you have to plunk down often $2,000-plus and even $3,000-plus at some desert races, in order to get $250 allocated towards the Pro Purse. You don’t have to take your shoes off to calculate the comparison and how much cheaper it is to race with AVE/BP RACING. It is undeniable.
However, we would never recommend NOT racing with other series, because as long as people keep racing, they will help advance our growing sport.
Sportsman 1000 clicking yet another lap!
Unlike racing with most U. S. organizations where you are restricted to certain areas of the desert, year after year, season after season, we at AVE/BP have a plethora of various courses that always start and finish at our Alta Vista Ranch, located just 3.2 miles East of California City, CA.
Moreover, for the past three-plus years, we have been able to provide different courses for every event. We pride ourselves for not repeating a race course (except where we come into and leave the start/finish), for at least an entire season. By leaving the desert to recover itself after 12 months and also making sure the each course we’ve used is cleaned-up and left undisturbed for a period of time, we find that every time we return to a section that we have used before, we are amazed on how little evidence there is that there was ever a race there.
Our average race courses range from 25-miles to 75-miles plus. Although most racers prefer courses that are between 30 to 50 miles in length, which makes the courses quickly accessible by pit crews. It is also easier to change drivers and navigators and more fun for the fans to see their favorite racer come by several times.
Notwithstanding the above, at least once a year we throw a rather long course to make sure they don’t lose that feeling and challenge of an open desert.
But what really makes us different than most is the fact that our City welcomes off-roaders and OHV’ers with open arms. The City of California City, CA is often labeled as the OHV Capital of the Nation. We are delighted that they welcome us and our friends.
For all the years that we have been promoting events (since 1986), we have never met the most fun and sociable and good-natured type of racer and people than in the PURE UTV races. Mind you that we have met thousands of wonderful people in Motorcycle GP and desert racing in Baja, Moto-X, Personal Watercraft Endurance Racing; Off-Road Desert Racing, among many other disciplines.
Nevertheless, this group of UTV enthusiasts in our sport today are as wonderful as you can expect to be coming from a strong competitive spirit.
No doubt that anyone of them will do everything in her/his power to pass you and beat you on the course, but when the Checkered flag is put away, the fun among friends really begins. We really love that. It’s great for us to see as promoters because it often sends everyone home with a good feeling that they have all have had fun, no matter what the results showed.
January 23, 2016 – The first event in the series, the PURE “150”
If you are a seasoned racer and have the equipment, crew and team to take it to the limit, don’t discount our series as an entry-level series. IT IS NOT! We have some of the fastest well-prepared and tenacious Pros in the business. This is because our series offers just about every type of terrain and every kind of situation and challenges that you would find in the longer-distance deserts of Arizona, Nevada, and Baja—all but in short spurts.
Our schedule is set up so that it does not conflict with major events in the sport but can also be used as a prep for the longer-distance events here in the States and in Baja. A “shake-down” as it were, as some have labeled it.
What is that? We are moving into a new age and we have the tools to slowly move into. We are the first promoter to offer a totally-GPS-Based event. Meaning that, you basically race via GPS readings. Your “Navigator” now becomes an integral part of your racing program.
GPSes are currently being used in 99% of the race cars that race the deserts of California, Arizona, Nevada and Baja.However, other promoters don’t require it to race. In 2016 we do.
We firmly believe that the future of our sport will rely more and more on the use of GPS to get around racecourses. There are many factors that have propelled us to move in that direction for 2016. Too many to cover here but they are real and authentic, nonetheless.
Moreover, we are going to ease into this in 2016. Meaning that all of our courses can be followed with GPS, but we will still mark our race courses with unique markings only visible to AVE/BP Racers.
We strongly suggest that if you are contemplating racing with us, you enter early enough to be able to receive from us the “GPS Course link” in advance so that you will have the opportunity to “Virtually Follow” the racecourse from the comfort of your computer or be able to upload it to your system so that you can pre-run in advance of the event.
The Formula UTV International (FUTVI) sanction and rule book is where it all begun for us. We worked with other organizations and received approval to include some of their rules into the FUTVI rule book. It is a “living” rule book as every year it has to be updated because of industry standards.
It’s a fairly simple rule book but one that is enforced at all our events.
Membership to FUTVI is currently at $25.00 per year PER PARTICIPANT IN EACH VEHICLE and an application form can be obtained by visiting our website; or simply contacting us at or texting to 661.524.1550.
Although in 2016 all six FUTVI-Sanctioned events for the PURE Series will be in the States, in California City, CA more specifically, we, nonetheless, offer two additional events in Baja California, Mexico. They are part of the Ensenada Cup Series. Although wholly separate from our Series in California City, we encourage everyone to try to make our Baja events as they will give you a small inkling on what racing in Baja is all about. It’s a terrific experience with terrific people and support. You will have the time of your life. We always have a great time there as well because we are truly among friends that have been acquainted with our events since 1986. Visit our website for additional information.
Bone Stock 1000 – Two-seat Showroom Stock!
We all race for the glory of being the best in your class and also to beat your best friend or competitor.
This year, because we are changing our racing format a bit, at the end of the 2016 Season we will be awarding points to “drivers” and “navigators” alike. These points will go towards computing the year-end points championship.
For 2016, you can count on strong support from our sponsors again and of course from AVE/BP Racing, as we continue to promote our events nationally and at world-class levels.
We are happy to report that we will be working with a strong Industry monthly publication and one of the top filmmakers in the sport to further expose our brand of racing, our racers, their sponsors and our organization to greater awareness.
Stay tuned for future details by visiting our website: or by providing us with your direct e-mail address so that you will receive, first-hand, news about our racing.
THE PURE “150” – January 23, 2016
Perseverance Exemplified

Overall Points Champ 2015 – Bradley Howe

Bone Stock 1000 – Four-seat Showroom Stock!
Here is why. For the money spent, there is no other series that returns more for your buck than AVE/Baja Promotions, California City’s, CA most successful promotions company.
In only its third year since AVE offered the PURE UTV OFF-ROAD DESERT Series, it has gained the respect and following of some of the top racers in the sport.

Having said that, we think that racing with us, AVE/BP Racing is probably the most fun, incredibly varied, less stressful and certainly the most cost-effective way to feed your passion.
No other organization welcomes the first-timer more than at the AVE races. We are the only organization in the Country that offers the Bone Stock 1000 and Bone Stock 900 & Under, both Sportsman Classes in our series (among all classes). This is AVE/BP’s way to introduce you to the sport. Whether you are a seasoned veteran that has been racing motorcycles, Quads, or buggies for years, or whether you’ve been playing golf or tennis on most weekends but suddenly you and your kids and family are trying something new. We are there for you.
The Bone Stock Classes, by the way, are the simplest way to get into UTV racing: Go to your local dealer, plunk down from $15,000 to $25,000 on a two or four-seat unit, and then come out and race with us. In these classes you are not allowed any modifications or upgrades to performance products (good way to keep you from spending too much the first time out), except for the addition of safety features such as; netting, belts, lights, radio, GPS, fire extinguisher, etc. and that’s it. It is simple, inexpensive and no less fun because you will be racing in a Class with others exactly like you.
This is also a great Class to help promote other "Brands" of UTVs that are just starting to come into the sport. Sort of like their testing grounds.
Needless to say we welcome all brands of UTV to participate at any level with us.
Cost effective:
Here is where we distinguish ourselves over other organizations: With our new entry structure for 2016 (It only went up by $20.00), being $400.00 entry in the Pro Classes and $200.00 in the Sportsman Classes, we know that there is no other organization that offers as much value and fun with so little cost.
We still offer the Pro 1000 and Sportsman 1000 Classes plus Pro 900 and Sportsman 900, Pro 850 & Under and Sportsman, Classes. This year we’ve added the PURE “Super 1900” Class for those cars currently racing in the BITD and SCORE events, the “Turbo” Class and the Unlimited 1001cc & Over – Class (using motorcycle or Snowmobile power plants). This is a class for those who continue to experiment and break new ground for the future.
However, here is where we believe we are so effective, especially in the Pro divisions where it takes a lot less money to build the Pro Purse than at any other organization. For example, $200.00 of the $400,00 Pro entry goes to the Pro Class. That means that with a ten-car entry in the Pro Division, there is a $2,000.00 purse. (We often have upwards of 15 or 20 Pro 1000 cars which means there may be as much as $3,000 to $4,000 in the Pro Purse.)
The cost effectiveness is evident when you compare racing with another organizations where you have to plunk down often $2,000-plus and even $3,000-plus at some desert races, in order to get $250 allocated towards the Pro Purse. You don’t have to take your shoes off to calculate the comparison and how much cheaper it is to race with AVE/BP RACING. It is undeniable.
However, we would never recommend NOT racing with other series, because as long as people keep racing, they will help advance our growing sport.

Sportsman 1000 clicking yet another lap!
Unlike racing with most U. S. organizations where you are restricted to certain areas of the desert, year after year, season after season, we at AVE/BP have a plethora of various courses that always start and finish at our Alta Vista Ranch, located just 3.2 miles East of California City, CA.
Moreover, for the past three-plus years, we have been able to provide different courses for every event. We pride ourselves for not repeating a race course (except where we come into and leave the start/finish), for at least an entire season. By leaving the desert to recover itself after 12 months and also making sure the each course we’ve used is cleaned-up and left undisturbed for a period of time, we find that every time we return to a section that we have used before, we are amazed on how little evidence there is that there was ever a race there.
Our average race courses range from 25-miles to 75-miles plus. Although most racers prefer courses that are between 30 to 50 miles in length, which makes the courses quickly accessible by pit crews. It is also easier to change drivers and navigators and more fun for the fans to see their favorite racer come by several times.
Notwithstanding the above, at least once a year we throw a rather long course to make sure they don’t lose that feeling and challenge of an open desert.
But what really makes us different than most is the fact that our City welcomes off-roaders and OHV’ers with open arms. The City of California City, CA is often labeled as the OHV Capital of the Nation. We are delighted that they welcome us and our friends.
For all the years that we have been promoting events (since 1986), we have never met the most fun and sociable and good-natured type of racer and people than in the PURE UTV races. Mind you that we have met thousands of wonderful people in Motorcycle GP and desert racing in Baja, Moto-X, Personal Watercraft Endurance Racing; Off-Road Desert Racing, among many other disciplines.
Nevertheless, this group of UTV enthusiasts in our sport today are as wonderful as you can expect to be coming from a strong competitive spirit.
No doubt that anyone of them will do everything in her/his power to pass you and beat you on the course, but when the Checkered flag is put away, the fun among friends really begins. We really love that. It’s great for us to see as promoters because it often sends everyone home with a good feeling that they have all have had fun, no matter what the results showed.

January 23, 2016 – The first event in the series, the PURE “150”
If you are a seasoned racer and have the equipment, crew and team to take it to the limit, don’t discount our series as an entry-level series. IT IS NOT! We have some of the fastest well-prepared and tenacious Pros in the business. This is because our series offers just about every type of terrain and every kind of situation and challenges that you would find in the longer-distance deserts of Arizona, Nevada, and Baja—all but in short spurts.
Our schedule is set up so that it does not conflict with major events in the sport but can also be used as a prep for the longer-distance events here in the States and in Baja. A “shake-down” as it were, as some have labeled it.
What is that? We are moving into a new age and we have the tools to slowly move into. We are the first promoter to offer a totally-GPS-Based event. Meaning that, you basically race via GPS readings. Your “Navigator” now becomes an integral part of your racing program.
GPSes are currently being used in 99% of the race cars that race the deserts of California, Arizona, Nevada and Baja.However, other promoters don’t require it to race. In 2016 we do.
We firmly believe that the future of our sport will rely more and more on the use of GPS to get around racecourses. There are many factors that have propelled us to move in that direction for 2016. Too many to cover here but they are real and authentic, nonetheless.
Moreover, we are going to ease into this in 2016. Meaning that all of our courses can be followed with GPS, but we will still mark our race courses with unique markings only visible to AVE/BP Racers.
We strongly suggest that if you are contemplating racing with us, you enter early enough to be able to receive from us the “GPS Course link” in advance so that you will have the opportunity to “Virtually Follow” the racecourse from the comfort of your computer or be able to upload it to your system so that you can pre-run in advance of the event.
The Formula UTV International (FUTVI) sanction and rule book is where it all begun for us. We worked with other organizations and received approval to include some of their rules into the FUTVI rule book. It is a “living” rule book as every year it has to be updated because of industry standards.
It’s a fairly simple rule book but one that is enforced at all our events.
Membership to FUTVI is currently at $25.00 per year PER PARTICIPANT IN EACH VEHICLE and an application form can be obtained by visiting our website; or simply contacting us at or texting to 661.524.1550.
Although in 2016 all six FUTVI-Sanctioned events for the PURE Series will be in the States, in California City, CA more specifically, we, nonetheless, offer two additional events in Baja California, Mexico. They are part of the Ensenada Cup Series. Although wholly separate from our Series in California City, we encourage everyone to try to make our Baja events as they will give you a small inkling on what racing in Baja is all about. It’s a terrific experience with terrific people and support. You will have the time of your life. We always have a great time there as well because we are truly among friends that have been acquainted with our events since 1986. Visit our website for additional information.

Bone Stock 1000 – Two-seat Showroom Stock!
We all race for the glory of being the best in your class and also to beat your best friend or competitor.
This year, because we are changing our racing format a bit, at the end of the 2016 Season we will be awarding points to “drivers” and “navigators” alike. These points will go towards computing the year-end points championship.
For 2016, you can count on strong support from our sponsors again and of course from AVE/BP Racing, as we continue to promote our events nationally and at world-class levels.
We are happy to report that we will be working with a strong Industry monthly publication and one of the top filmmakers in the sport to further expose our brand of racing, our racers, their sponsors and our organization to greater awareness.
Stay tuned for future details by visiting our website: or by providing us with your direct e-mail address so that you will receive, first-hand, news about our racing.
THE PURE “150” – January 23, 2016

Perseverance Exemplified