$64,000 question......what broke?
George, thanks for pulling to the side right away when we caught you. I appreciate that. We are still trying to figure out exactly what and why things broke and in what order.$64,000 question......what broke?
I'm not even sure how much of this is directed at me, but I will at least address a few of the comments....sounds like a whole bunch of things given their recovery Rzr being parted out.
Whether these guys are willing to discuss what is most important to us or not (our own machine's actual detailed weaknesses brought to light in real world scenarios) I respect those who at least have the decency to post up here (afterwards) whether they are trying to sell us anything or not.
We had the same unwillingness to simply 'throw a bone' to the (peon) fans supporting these machines (not to mention aftermarket companies) the last time around when overall real time Baja coverage was questioned. At least some of them (then) 'got it' and managed to (quickly 'find religion' then) post 'something' up here so that the 1900 class 2015 season didn't at least 'appear' to be the smoke and mirrors fiasco that it has become.
I have bought parts from at least two or three of these race teams over time and never will again as I'm sick of hearing a post race commercial for everybody who supported these guys YET receiving absolutely nothing or even the slightest of 'news' in return.
If you aren't proud of how your parts hold up, won't sell us the ones which do or feel that 1900 class racing fans aren't worth your time (afterwards)? There are plenty of guys out there either selling (as often turns out) the same parts that you don't want to talk about actually holding up in Baja...or better. Some of you guys have turned your 'race proven' factory supported/aftermarket business in to: "what can I source for the absolute minimum to pass it off as if we raced the peninsula with it?".
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to support those who support you, Mr. Miller.
Perhaps a few others reading this (Polaris included) should start realizing which side their bread is (and always has been) indeed buttered on.
...sounds like a whole bunch of things given their recovery Rzr being parted out.
Whether these guys are willing to discuss what is most important to us or not (our own machine's actual detailed weaknesses brought to light in real world scenarios) I respect those who at least have the decency to post up here (afterwards) whether they are trying to sell us anything or not.
We had the same unwillingness to simply 'throw a bone' to the (peon) fans supporting these machines (not to mention aftermarket companies) the last time around when overall real time Baja coverage was questioned. At least some of them (then) 'got it' and managed to (quickly 'find religion' then) post 'something' up here so that the 1900 class 2015 season didn't at least 'appear' to be the smoke and mirrors fiasco that it has become.
I have bought parts from at least two or three of these race teams over time and never will again as I'm sick of hearing a post race commercial for everybody who supported these guys YET receiving absolutely nothing or even the slightest of 'news' in return.
If you aren't proud of how your parts hold up, won't sell us the ones which do or feel that 1900 class racing fans aren't worth your time (afterwards)? There are plenty of guys out there either selling (as often turns out) the same parts that you don't want to talk about actually holding up in Baja...or better. Some of you guys have turned your 'race proven' factory supported/aftermarket business in to: "what can I source for the absolute minimum to pass it off as if we raced the peninsula with it?".
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to support those who support you, Mr. Miller.
Perhaps a few others reading this (Polaris included) should start realizing which side their bread is (and always has been) indeed buttered on.
...sounds like a whole bunch of things given their recovery Rzr being parted out.
Whether these guys are willing to discuss what is most important to us or not (our own machine's actual detailed weaknesses brought to light in real world scenarios) I respect those who at least have the decency to post up here (afterwards) whether they are trying to sell us anything or not.
We had the same unwillingness to simply 'throw a bone' to the (peon) fans supporting these machines (not to mention aftermarket companies) the last time around when overall real time Baja coverage was questioned. At least some of them (then) 'got it' and managed to (quickly 'find religion' then) post 'something' up here so that the 1900 class 2015 season didn't at least 'appear' to be the smoke and mirrors fiasco that it has become.
I have bought parts from at least two or three of these race teams over time and never will again as I'm sick of hearing a post race commercial for everybody who supported these guys YET receiving absolutely nothing or even the slightest of 'news' in return.
If you aren't proud of how your parts hold up, won't sell us the ones which do or feel that 1900 class racing fans aren't worth your time (afterwards)? There are plenty of guys out there either selling (as often turns out) the same parts that you don't want to talk about actually holding up in Baja...or better. Some of you guys have turned your 'race proven' factory supported/aftermarket business in to: "what can I source for the absolute minimum to pass it off as if we raced the peninsula with it?".
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to support those who support you, Mr. Miller.
Perhaps a few others reading this (Polaris included) should start realizing which side their bread is (and always has been) indeed buttered on.
I'm not sure what crawled up itsyourlegacy but thank you for the race report it was a great read, including or excluding any details he may be upset about. These race reports in my opinion are for entertainment not for product research so I don't know why it's so serious..
"So my experience is anything can wear out or break.....not every issue is directly related to racing. Some of the issues average Joe's have I've had and others not a problem at all. So here are the things I believe are random or related to the specific car since Polaris QC is all over the place. This is what we experienced after a little more than a year of racing the car. 2600mi...
...I'm sure I miss a lot of stuff but thats what this Joe Schmo has experienced......don't know if it helps."
I wouldnt say its real expensive to make theses car dependable....its can be expensive to keep them at the top level of competition.It gets to the point where you have to thank somebody (as I have done with Wes) multiple times to get a contrary opinion across in this day and age..yet still walk in to the conversation as if everybody needs a 'safe zone' or something like these kids evidently need now on college campuses. It's as if most under, say, '50' are so accustomed to being praised (or praising themselves) for near everything that anything contrary containing praise (as well) is...I'm guessing here...'overload'.
It helps and is much appreciated. Probably the first honest assessment of a racing season that I've ever witnessed concerning equipment used. A lot of us out here hang on every word when it comes to what works on these lightly built cars whether it is race related or not. If that isn't the (traditional) definition of a race fan then I'm probably too old to appreciate what racing (of any kind) has evidently morphed in to with machines this expensive and so much more needed to make them even so much as dependable (only).
Perhaps a large(r) number of these younger owners simply have a lot more cash on hand than many of us did at their age...and it definitely shows (to me at least) in more ways than one.
I wouldnt say its real expensive to make theses car dependable....its can be expensive to keep them at the top level of competition.
Therein lies the chasm between those blessed to be associated with racing more closely and the majority of us out here who aren't..simple differences of opinion that shouldn't degrade in to anything more.
I look at the thousands that (I feel) I have 'had' to put in to my car just to dependably tackle (recreationally vs stupidly) whatever extended journey I might put it through. That expensive list of spares, beefed up replacement parts and/or modifications needing be performed involving a poorly engineered XP aren't even an afterthought to most racers. We don't need a turbo or Fox shocks. We needed the already available engineering (or more accurately bean counting) in '14 and before that now give 'others' serviceable clutches and drivelines even close to what a company would be proud of offering with that much HP/torque.
The above is why lists such as the one George just provided us or even 'clues' as to what might not necessarily be holding up in even the most ridiculous of tortures are so valuable to the average fan out there. As the only other racer here to give a Baja report offered recently (and I'm paraphrasing):
"Yeah, i blew an ECU 30 miles in, replaced it back home (works fine)...yet Polaris is sending me a "solution".."
We (as fans) can sit here and assume, maybe even incorrectly, that this guy is probably running even a slightly built motor (or not). We don't care. We at least 'hope' to determine what that 'solution' actually was whether it pertains to us directly or not. If he was racing NASCAR frankenstein cars we wouldn't care.
Race fans (in my opinion) are hanging on to every word that comes out of these races because we enjoy people living out our future possibilities with these same machines, fair competition and (for me alone evidently) not breaking down ourselves.
Like a racer, I put an inordinate amount of value on the latter when I'm hundreds of miles from home. For us (like racers I'm certain) we're sometimes fully invested in the trip-of-a-lifetime and possibly not ever blessed again to experience what most will never dream of.
So much in common...so little common ground (evidently).
Therein lies the chasm between those blessed to be associated with racing more closely and the majority of us out here who aren't..simple differences of opinion that shouldn't degrade in to anything more.
I look at the thousands that (I feel) I have 'had' to put in to my car just to dependably tackle (recreationally vs stupidly) whatever extended journey I might put it through. That expensive list of spares, beefed up replacement parts and/or modifications needing be performed involving a poorly engineered XP aren't even an afterthought to most racers. We don't need a turbo or Fox shocks. We needed the already available engineering (or more accurately bean counting) in '14 and before that now give 'others' serviceable clutches and drivelines even close to what a company would be proud of offering with that much HP/torque.
The above is why lists such as the one George just provided us or even 'clues' as to what might not necessarily be holding up in even the most ridiculous of tortures are so valuable to the average fan out there. As the only other racer here to give a Baja report offered recently (and I'm paraphrasing):
"Yeah, i blew an ECU 30 miles in, replaced it back home (works fine)...yet Polaris is sending me a "solution".."
We (as fans) can sit here and assume, maybe even incorrectly, that this guy is probably running even a slightly built motor (or not). We don't care. We at least 'hope' to determine what that 'solution' actually was whether it pertains to us directly or not. If he was racing NASCAR frankenstein cars we wouldn't care.
Race fans (in my opinion) are hanging on to every word that comes out of these races because we enjoy people living out our future possibilities with these same machines, fair competition and (for me alone evidently) not breaking down ourselves.
Like a racer, I put an inordinate amount of value on the latter when I'm hundreds of miles from home. For us (like racers I'm certain) we're sometimes fully invested in the trip-of-a-lifetime and possibly not ever blessed again to experience what most will never dream of.
So much in common...so little common ground (evidently).
I think the info that would be much more helpful to you is how my personal car held up to pre-running all year.
I agree with the other post that "It's not expensive to make them reliable". I have driven my pre-runner hard all year and only have minor things done to it. It's all stock other than GBC 30" tires, DWT wheels, Pro Armor front seats, harnesses, fabric roof, tool bag, door bags, fire extinguisher, and spare tire mount, a Rugged Radio/intercom, and a GPS. I would say my car is far from exotic and much closer to what most people drive. I have driven that car very hard and had very few problems. In fact, I'm confident I could place well in it if it was race legal. The problem is by the time you make a race car legal, you've added a bunch of weight, etc... and it compounds multiple issues. But the average person is not going to have those issues. Outside of racing, who puts a 28 gal fuel cell in their car?
Pre-running for the Baja 1000, I ran over 900 miles in my car on the race course. I had no issues up until my last 5 miles, where I broke the lower left radius rod. No flats, belts, clutch problems, motor issues, transmission, drive train, etc... I never got out of the car once, other than to take a leak.
Over the entire year, the car has held up great. I've changed the oil and filters and put fresh tires on it. I broke one rear axle while driving on a flat. The front shocks also lost their seals and needed to be rebuilt. I would say I drove my car harder than the vast majority of people over those miles and I've been amazed at what the relatively stock car can handle.
While pre-running, I had the same issues of not wanting to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, etc... But I haven't had any problems. When the radius rod did break, I was lucky and close enough to limp it to a highway and throw it on a trailer.
Hopefully this gives better insight to what most recreational drivers should encounter doing the same. And I think there is a lot more common ground than most people think.
"Legacy, for someone who I assume is from George's generation, you sure act like you're from the entitlement generation.
As someone who would like to hear everyone's story of their Baja experience I know that these guys owe me nothing. That fact that you think a factory backed race team should come on hear and tell you everything that is wrong with their machine is strange to me.."