UTVRR format Update


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Hello all,

In our Quantum Racing bi weekly meeting last night we talked about the option to give new racers the opportunity to get involved in UTVRR to help grow the sport. Many ideas and such were talked about and we have come up with something that we think should give folks the opportunity to get involved that are sitting on the side lines and want to give it a try. The exact details are to be hashed out but we do have the outline for our plan.

For the longevity of the sport we understand we need to attract new racers and teams that may want to give it a try and want to join in the fun of the UTV endurance racing experience. So here is an outline of what we plan to do.

1, A new class will be created called "The Sportsmans Class"
2, It will be a no payout class
3, It will have medals awarded
4, It will be a reduced entry fee class of $90 instead of the $120 for the payout classes.
5, It will be a seven (7) lap class roughly two (2)hrs that will run at the same time as the full UTVRR four (4) hour classes.
7, It will leave the grid after the last four (4) hour class
8, It will be open to all SxS's
9, It will have it's own class scoring just as all other UTVRR classes
10, All normal UTVRR rules will apply

We intend to implement this class and format during four (4) races this year on the following dates to test it for full implementation in 2014. The four race dates for this year that this class will apply too are as follows.

NS at Windrock Park July 6th Round six (6)
SS at Stony Lonesome July 20th Round six (6)

NS at Windrock Park September 7th Round 7 (7)
SS at Stony Lonesome September 21st Round 7 (7)

This will give us a chance to test this new class and make a 2014 decision.

You can help us by spreading the word that we now have a two (2)hr class for those wanting to get involved. We will obviously be doing what we can to get the message out as well. Some of you have said you know a lot of people wanting to race but not for the full four (4)hrs so this class should see some decent activity. If it does and all goes well we will go full time live with this in 2014 and make it a standard offering every race.

Once again many thanks for the community support and your desire to keep this series growing and your love of this sport. UTV Rally Raid is here to stay and new ways to involve more teams and people will always be looked at. This is a young series that had seen explosive growth and as such we believe in what we are doing and fully intend to make UTV Rally Raid the Endurance series to race here in the South East.

Please help us get the word out to anyone and everyone that will listen.

UTVRR by the racers for the racers!

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