Truckhaven Obstacle


American Pride
I know this isnt a UTV, but this was cool to watch. Ive got the video if I can figure out how to get it on here. We watched this guy do this on Friday, of Thanksgiving weekend. now we know someone can make it up!


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Ha Ha, yeah I've seen that commercial too. This was the real deal, this guy lined up and dry ran 4 times before he went for it. :eek:
I am uploading the video to youtube right now, so I can add it to the post hopefully. The guy hit it pretty fast, the front wheels lifted when they cleared the top.
Now we just have to put it to music so we don't have to hear the wife or girlfriend yapping the whole time:eek: Funny thing is that he just drove up the thing and risked rolling over and all she was worried about was him standing too close to the edge:D
Whats going on here I don't see any video remember I ride the small bus lol
Here it is, probably not worth the wait. can someone put this up for me. [ame=]Bronco @ Truckhaven - YouTube[/ame]

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