Transfercase issue


New Member
My 2009 polaris rzr 800 has a hole in the bottom of my transfer case. Do I have to pull my motor out to replace my transfer case or is there another way? I am a rookie at this whole thing so any help would be greatly appreciated! And/or if you have one for sale that would be great too.
Its bolted to the motor with a pita bracket deep in the middle of the two. The rear diff is also bolted in there.

It will be easier to remove the clutches, then remove the 3 motor mounts and pull it all out as one unit then remove the trans off the motor and rear differential.

If you did not damage the internals, i would drain the oil, disassemble the trans, boil the oil out of the crack, then have a welder weld it up and smooth the inside if the bead is in the way.

It would not hurt to plate the bottom side with 1/4" aluminum so you dont break it again.
IS the hole in the front of case or the back half?

maybe you would be able to weld it in place (but not sure ) , but it would need to be drained .

And then there is allways JB WELD some people swear by it .
This is all useful information. I will take pictures of the hole and put them up. The hole is towards the front. I also do not think there are any issues with the guts of the transfer case since there is no difficulty in putting into gear. Anymore ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I know you have figured this out by now but get a good skid plate. Stay away from aluminum cause it will bend and tear. Factory UTV and Fiber Skins both make awesome skids. FUTV is UHMW and FS uses a carbon fiber like material. I run the 1/2" FUTV and I also just installed the Holz 1/4" motor lift plates for some added clearance:D I have 3500 hard miles on my skid and have beat the hell out of it and not a mark on the bottom of the motor, trans or transfer:D Good luck and Happy Holidays:D
Wow , now thats a hole. I don;t think that can be repaired but I could be wrong. A rear case runs around $280.00 and a front runs around $190.00 and that just the case's . You might look around for a used one , pending on your wallet , good luck
Do you have all the pieces? If yes, we can definitely try to fix it. If you check my post - "Help! Rock damage" you can see what happened to ours.

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