Sierra National Forest Extends Comment Period on Motorized Travel Management DEIS

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
Time is Running OUT and the Picture Ain't Pretty!!!!!!

Please get involved in this!!!

Article from "Stewards of the Sierra National Forest"

"Here is some interesting information that the Stewards of the Sierra National Forest has found in the DEIS Document that the Forest Service has not been sharing in the public meetings. Out of the 558 miles of GPS inventoried public requested routes only 72 miles of these roads and trails were proposed to be brought forward in Alternative 5 the most OHV friendly alternative. 61.51 miles of these public requested routes need mitigation. If you do the math that leaves only 10.49 miles that will be open for the publics use.

According to all of the information that the Forest Service has been giving the public during their meetings, all of the routes that need mitigation will be closed till that mitigation is corrected. If we did the math right that means only 10.49 miles will be on the first Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) slated to be released 1/1/2010 this should be a very easy map to produce and read as it should be no bigger than 1 page.

When we compared all of the Alternatives put together the picture looked even worse. When comparing Alternatives 2 thru 5 the total mileage that needed mitigation was 69.02 out of a total of 72 miles of routes proposed to be brought forward. That would leave only 2.98 miles of routes that would be open and on the MVUM as of 1/1/2010."

Read more here . . . Stewards of the Sierra National Forest - Latest News
We need to help this area!!! Look for some specific "on-the-ground" talking points coming soon, personalize what's posted and then fire away!

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