SEMA 2011 - builds 2011 2500HD & 3500HD's for Cognito Motorsports is proud to announce that we will be building a few 2011 Chevy/GM 2500HD & 3500HD trucks to be displayed at this year’s SEMA trade show in Las Vegas. Vehicles are being built primarily for Cognito Motorsports, but have had several other manufacturers of quality product lines jump onboard, and are still looking for more to complete these trucks.

About The 2011 SEMA Show

SEMA Show takes place November 1-4, 2011, at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

The SEMA Show is the premier automotive specialty products trade event in the world. It draws the industry’s brightest minds and hottest products to one place, the Las Vegas Convention Center. In addition, the SEMA Show provides attendees with educational seminars, product demonstrations, special events, networking opportunities and more.

SEMA Show 2010 drew more than 50,000 domestic and international buyers. The displays are segmented into 12 sections, and a New Products Showcase featured nearly 1,500 newly introduced parts, tools and components. In addition, the SEMA Show provides attendees with educational seminars, product demonstrations, special events, networking opportunities and more…

Note: The SEMA Show is a trade-only event and not open to the general public.

We are well underway with two of the truck builds, and have two more being dropped off next week. Product has been steadily coming in and is really starting to stack up in our building! We will be documenting the progress on these builds in this thread as we move forward. We’ll be keeping you up to date with build pictures and product info on some current items that are already available and on the market. We’ll also let you in on brand new 2012 product being debuted for the first time at the SEMA Show.

A few weeks back, we ran a few threads on the forums and other social media spots like Facebook, asking for any 2011 Chevy/GM HD truck owners that would be interested in being a part of our 2011 SEMA Show plans. We reached out asking if there was interest in debuting Cognito Motorsports’ NEW 7" NTBD suspension kit for the 2011 GM chassis. The response we received was AWESOME! We had more interested truck owners contacting us than we would have ever imagined we would! Although there was the appeal of the discounts involved, there was still going to be significant cost involved to complete the build sheets. Even so, we had many that were willing and ready to go to be a part of this project. We narrowed the list down to 5 different trucks and their owners, all of which we felt would fit perfectly for what we needed. After being stuck on which 1 of these 5 trucks we would choose from, the owner of Cognito Motorsports took my suggestion to add a second truck to the plan, we picked 2 lucky guys. One truck owner is from Fallen NV., and the other is from Ellicott City, Maryland..... Yea on the other side of the US. The Fallen NV truck will be at out building Monday bright and early, and the Maryland truck is in transit as we speak and will be here mid week.

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If you are a Facebook user, please feel free to check out the page to follow along with the builds as pictures will be added daily before they hit the forums.

We have worked with Cognito Motorsports on builds like these over the years, but for this year to have a total of 4 trucks under their product line was impressive and a great feeling for the NorCalTruck team. I would like to give a BIG THANKS to the team at Cognito Motorsports and the owner for including in these builds for their product line. I will also give credit to all the other companies that have helped us complete the end result of these trucks later in our thread.

Subscribe or keep your eyes peeled on this thread, some great inside build pictures and trucks will be posted!
I will be posting build pictures and information about 4 trucks total so I might skip around from each truck. Please enjoy the build pics and please feel free to comment and or ask questions.


Lets get started!!

This will be our flag ship build for SEMA 2011, many months in the making:

2011 Chevy 3500HD CC LB Dually 4x4 Duramax

If you look at the color it screams Prorang97, yes this SEMA build belongs to Mr. Prorang97. A truck build that was in the making before the past SAC build was ending it's last days as his own before the new owner very happily took ownership. I have to say, when Matt said he was done with the coil over LBZ I was shocked but as soon as I heard the new bug he had caught I know it was for a good reason and 100% for sure he would be much happier with all the new changes he had in his life from when we first started the LBZ build (Build thread seen here > 4-Linked Pure Performance build (Pic's) ) Basically the Toy Hauler bug hit and with 2 little boys family fun camping and on road trips are something that makes memories. So skipping over purchasing a 2007+ to 2010 LMM was very easy once we all heard about the NEW 2011 platform and higher tow ratings and tons of redesigned and upgraded chassis. He quickly posted the LBZ for sale and it went FAST!!! The person that purchased it contacted Matt with in 4 days of posting it for sale and the transaction was made a few days later....2011 Chevy 3500HD dually was put on order. Here is where took it over from Matt and started doing some great upgraded that cater to hauling, street daily driving and off road when he needs to get his toy hauler out to the camp grounds and recover off road toys.


These trucks look great stock off the show room floor but most are not happy with that and want something personal and upgraded to suite their needs alittle or even alot better.



First attack on installing product - This truck will be hauling a very big load so a 24k rated fifth wheel hitch will do the job!



And I know everyone wants to see the load, here it is...... Keystone Fuzion 40' ToyHauler! I am in love myself with this toyhauler, so nice.



Now we get alittle more involved in the build!!


You should take note to this picture, things are going to change in the rear.



Mr. Smallwood, break this NEW rig down and lets get started chopping things up!!


Because we will be cutting and grinding, BLUE TAPE is your friend!!!


Who notices something already that has been installed? Anyone? OK lets say different?


Mmmmm BIG Bags!!! More volume + less PSI = Better ride


Right now we are mocking things up for the plan of attack.




Axle out and now we can get to cutting and grinding!


I asked on FaceBook....and I will ask here, what should we do with this darn thing? .... It doesn't look cool and I would hate to leave something like this stock....suggestions and or comments?


Again TAKE NOTES....Now you see it.....




Clean the frame up nice and smooth.....


Back to the axle and more cutting mounts off.



So what does everyone think so far?
OK not alot but more on Prorang97's 3500HD Dually rear section of the build:

Here we have metal in place of the shocks to hold the suspension at ride height while the truck is in the air and we are working on it. Finding center plum on the frame:


After some templates where cut out to fit correctly we had the metal plates cut.


The NEW 2011 HD frame are alot different than the past 01-10 and Cognito has not yet designed a Long Travel rear bag kit so we decided because of how we are setting this truck up for hauling we would suck it up and use there 01-10 kit and cut it up to see how it would fit. After alot of measuring it really was not that bad, BUT before you think this was an easy install even with starting with the Cognito LT bag kit we have a large amount of time testing placement and re-checking ride height and travel before we where happy with the final resting spot and angles. The 2011 axle travels at a completely different angle than past years so there was alot to conceder than just placing it and welding. I am sure there will be a handful of you 2011 Guys looking at this and wanting to ask "How much?" and the answer is I would not even think about doing another UNLESS we are building a large project like this one, simply not worth the time and what we would have to cover in costs. This owners truck (Prorang97) has always been a great client because he lets us kinda just give him a verbal direction that is within what he wants and we run with it, no phone calls asking about when he can have the truck back just simply comes by when he wants and takes a look at what we are doing, hell most of the time and this section of fab work he was happy with a couple almost finished points we where but I didn't like it so I had my tech rip it off and start over measuring for placement. End results are all worth it for the caliper of a truck build I like to hand over to Prorang97 when done.

Bags back in for mock up:


Side plate final testing





Traction bars not available for the 2011 from Cognito due to the frame not being "C" channel but we didn't mind doing a weld in place install.


At ride height.



More to come, hope this can hold everyone over for now. Prorang97's truck does have alot more time involved than the others but I have a handful of pics on his truck that I would like to post before I start on the others.

Hang in there...more to come...I hope you guys like what you see so far!
And now again gets another NEW for 2011 Fox 2.0 Performance Series shock, but this time it is the Reservoir model!!!!!!:ro)

Tell us what you think about these bad boys!!!!!



And YES I knew I was going to have these today of course I had to wear my Fox Factory button up to model the product :D


As you can see I have a Fox billet clamp in my hand, I am not certain of the details yet on these being shipped standard with clamps so I will have to confirm later. These are a special shipment from Fox for the SEMA Cognito Booth truck build we are doing here at this link > SEMA 2011 - builds 2011 2500HD & 3500HD's for Cognito Motorsports



These are for the 2011 NEW Chassis but we will soon have both mono tube and Res models for the 2001-2010 in the Cognito specific build specs for the Cognito suspension kits. We can purchase the standard models that Fox already has in production currently for standard suspension heights. If you are interested about these shocks it is best to call us directly for the most current info because it has been hard to confirm if a NEW style Fox Performance series is available for some truck owners due to models still sue to release.

These are a Aluminum body shock, unlike the regular steel body style everyone is used to seeing in the past these will dissipate heat faster for less fade so for a street truck playing double duty as an weekend off road full size truck these will work great!

Price point is alot better than the traditional style as well so better for the common truck owner and save money with a great look, can't beat that.
Who is ready to see some of the NEW product we are using on Prorang97's build and as well the other trucks:

First, Deaver leaf spring sent us more of their NEW 2011 rear leaf springs:


Then we received a shipment from American Force Wheels


2 Sets of 22" 10-lug dually wheels, perfectly and nicely polished......hahahah...just wait, a few guys are going to hate us but trust me it will look good in the end.



AMP Research took care of us up with some of their side steps and the rear Bed Step plus the NEW Bed Step2 for the side of the bed.


You can't build a truck for hauling long distance with out one of these bad boys!

Titan XXL Fuel Tanks


Cognito already had sent us the Cognito 4" NTBD lifts but we finally received the long awaiting NEW Cognito 7" NTBD lift kits, 2 kits to be exact, you will see we also received another order of Cognito's NEW Alloy Series Tie Rods, man these new tie rods are going fast and I can't wait to report back soon on all the testing we did with Cognito, you will be very happy with the new design.


Still more product to come, I will have pics and details as they hit the NCT floor!

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