So for BITD Sportsman and Stock Sportsman are different. Talking with Cory it was explained that for BITD as long as the stated rules for Stock Sportsman are met you can race. There are no limitations at this point so you can just barley meet the rules or have a full-race build to compete. It is meant to be open to anyone but not necessarily fair...Sportsman requires more to be done.
Best in the Desert UTV stock sportsman class rules:
Must have driver and navigator
6 Point Aftermarket Roll-Cage. (No stock roll cages allowed)
Front and rear bumpers are required
Side Panels / Doors Required (Doors must be secured to prevent from popping
Window Nets Required
Roof Panel Required
One 2.5lb Fire Extinguisher Mounted On UTV w/ Quick Release.
5-Point Seat Belts Required 2” or 3” Wide Belts OK, 3” Preferred
One Piece Fire-Suit Required SFI.A1 (SFI.A5 2018 will be required)
Helmet w/ DOT or Snell Decal. Eye Protection Must Be Shatter Resistant.
Gloves and Neck Brace Are Recommended (2018 neck restraints
will be Required)
Numbers On Both Sides Of Vehicle. Minimum 8” Tall Numbers, Yellow Background
w/ Black Numbers (Refer To BITD Entry Form
For # Assignment) Background w/
Black Numbers (Refer To BITD Entry Form For # Assignment)
Two 10lbs or one 20lbs Fire Extinguisher In Your Pit. Must Be Near Vehicle During
Fuel Mat Required For Pit Stops
KC Hilites spec blue strobe light Rear facing, is required and must be wired to the key switch. This light must be mounted as high up on the cage as possible
Notice some rules are "recommended" while others are required. It can easily get confusing.