Rear Wheel Wobble


Big Mike - UTVUnderground Approved
I need a 2nd opinion.... I am sure once I tear it apart I will figure it out but it is on my mind...

I jacked up the rear end and the drivers side rear wheel has a bad wobble. I removed the tire and the axle nut is tight as hell. The silver hub (not sure what to call it) that the tire mounts to wobbles. It looks to me like the splines maybe worn out. The Gorilla axle is fairly new.... Maybe 6 months old. Could the silver hub be worn out? Any other thoughts....

ALso what the hell do you call the silve hub?
I just had this on ours but the axle nut was just about to fall off lol.

Only thing I can think of is the hub splines are messed up, or on the axle. Has to be one of those 2 basically.

And I just call it the hub, not sure if there is another name for it, since it isnt really a bearing type hub, but whatever :D
the hub thingy is called a wheel hub. if its wobbling, then it could be worn out, the nut is loose, or gets loose after a ride, or possibly the bearings in the spindle are worn out, and have some play. The CV joint stub shafts are usually the hardest steel back there, so they will be the last thing to wear out.. It could be that the splines inside the wheel hub are worn, or the bearings in the spindle are worn..

Thanks guys....

Well I got a chance to look at it more today and it looks as if the wheel hub is worn out. Hopefully it will last for Saturdays trip to Ocotillo with the Underground Crew.... And hopefully I dont mess up the axle splines.....

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