Possiblilty of running xp 1000 shocks on a custom hayabusa rhino build

Sawyer Bauer

New Member
I am in the process of building a hayabusa powered rhino and was curious about using the rear Walker Evans racing shocks on it from a rzr XP 1000. Right now it has the Magnum offroad Long travel kit with fox shocks however it seems that the shocks just don't perform as well as I would like, they are just the single spring 2.0s and are only the 6.5 inch travel shocks. The actual machine has 14 inches of travel though so with the angles they're mounted at it seems like it could help to have longer travel shocks mounted in a different spot so that the shock can take more of the travel. I see take offs from brand new XP1ks all over and with the adjustments and dual springs that would come for under $400 a set sounds pretty appealing. Would it be possible to change the mounts around and run some limit straps as to not exceed any angles and are the walker evan shocks worth the money? Or is their any better options I should consider? I am not really worried about the front it seems pretty good just the back with all the weight transfer when on the pedal at all and especially at higher speeds it would be nice to have it ride as good as possible. Thanks

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