Polaris Takes The Plunge


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Polaris Takes the “Plunge” in a Big Way
Company was No.1 fundraiser for all Large Minnesota Corporations at the White Bear Lake Plunge


Minneapolis, February 13, 2015 – Polaris® Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII) today announced the company, through its employees and matched by The Polaris Foundation, raised almost $30,000 for Special Olympics Minnesota. The company also donated two snowmobiles which will be offered at raffle by the organization.

“Polaris is proud to lead the way in fundraising efforts for the Special Olympics Minnesota’s Polar Plunge,” said Scott Wine, Polaris Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “This organization provides wonderful programs for more than 8,100 Special Olympic Minnesota athletes and I’m pleased our employees embraced the cause in such a big way.”

As part of the fundraising effort, Polaris employees had the No. 1 team with 110 “Plungers” from the organization participating at the White Bear Lake Plunge, on Saturday, January 31. The event saw more than 8,000 attendees, consisting of “Plungers” and spectators, who spent the day watching the Plunge, snacking on food, meeting “Snowflake,” the Plunge mascot, and checking out Polaris’ new ground-breaking on-road vehicle, Polaris Slingshot®.

The White Bear Polar Plunge was only the second of several Plunges happening around the state. Interested parties can find more information at plungemn.org. People interested in the snowmobiles being raffled by Special Olympics Minnesota can find more information at www.plungemn.org/polaris-raffle or by visiting any of the upcoming metro Plunge locations to purchase a raffle ticket.

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