Obama picks Babbitt aide to run BLM

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
Obama picks Babbitt aide to run BLM

June 10th, 2009
The Salt Lake Tribune (UT)
By Patty Henetz

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bob Abbey, who helped former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt complete a Utah wilderness inventory 10 years ago, is President Barack Obama's nominee to head up the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced the nomination Tuesday evening, calling Abbey a "consummate, professional natural-resource manager."

Abbey has more than 32 years in state and federal public service, including eight years at the helm of the Nevada state BLM office until his retirement in 2005.

Early reactions indicated general approval of Abbey's nomination from conservationists, off-roaders and oil and gas officials.

"I think he'd be a good director," said Brian Hawthorne, public-lands policy director for the BlueRibbon Coalition, an OHV interest group. "He seemed to be well-liked by the [BLM] line officers and staff."

Read more here . . . Obama picks Babbitt aide to run BLM | Campaign for America's Wilderness
Good that he believes in multiple-use mandates and not just close everything down.

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