All UTV's Nose Dives When Jumping


I raced the WORCS race this month in Havasu and every time I jumped my RZR nose dived. How do I adjust my suspension so it doesn't do that? Thanks.....
As a general rule, increase compression on the front and decrease rebound.

On the rear, decrease compression and increase rebound.

If you do that, your front will rise progressively higher through the jumps. There are some exceptions. Example, if the rear compression is way too light, you will blow through your travel on take off and bottom out. That will then launch the rear up in the air as it bottoms out and comes off the lip of the jump. If your car was relatively close, the above recomendations will work. If not, you need someone to watch what is happening and go from there.
i noticed it helped me to stay on the throttle the whole way through the takeoff of the jump. and dont completely let off the gas in the air. another problem might be you had two guys in the front of a 4 seater with no weight in the back.
i noticed it helped me to stay on the throttle the whole way through the takeoff of the jump. and dont completely let off the gas in the air. another problem might be you had two guys in the front of a 4 seater with no weight in the back.

Great point. If it is a four seater, keep in mind that the longer the wheelbase, the longer the approach to the jump needs to be for a proper launch. A four seater needs a longer approach than a 2 seater.
Redrhino, x2 Haagsma, I believe that your shock set up is not as important as your throttle foot in regards to how your RZR flies, granted I have NO experiance in a RZR 4 with the long wheel base, but I have spent lots of time figuring out jumping my S. It would be easy to lift to early in your 4 seater because its tough to judge when the back tires have left the ground especially in the heat of the race.. Thats the key though.. steady or acceleration up the face.. then lift steadily in the air. The jumps make a big difference also but since I was on the same track your talking about I can say that most were good as far as the take off ramps go...

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