New Honda Talon to launches tomorrow from the LA auto show. UTVUnderground will be bringing the unveil live from the LA auto show. Stay tuned!!
"..I love the faithful that pound Honda reliability down our throats. Anything is reliable if driven reasonably and maintained properly.."
For those of us receiving $250 gift certificates, visa cards and multiple letters in the mail spanning years while spending way too much time at dealerships not to mention our garages (if we are blessed to both wrench AND have a place to wrench to save even dollar one)....I find it curious that the "every car produced today is reliable if you simply maintain them" mantra is suddenly becoming the how-dare-you-blasphemy-the-emperor-with-no-clothes insistence not only up here but coming soon to a speed shop showroom near you.
If you're selling this new Talon or even a Yamaha...don't you have the following videos very simply displayed prominently on a big screen video 'loop' in your showroom....with no high pressure sales tactics needed?
...and don't you simply turn up the volume LOUDLY when Todd is struggling with or banging on anything above as your potential customer quickly asks: "what in the heck is THAT all about for heavens sakes?"...
...while you reply with a smile:
"Tell me, would you like to see/hear yourself (instead) paddle shifting like a formula one racer through the desert and woods with nothing but occasional oil changes to ever worry about?"
(Remote clicks in the background)
"Here's what a no maintenance tranny both sounds and looks like from both the driver's view and a drone on a 6 foot split screen...."
(Likely) 'Sold' with but one feature featured.
Go buy the Honda Talon and let us know how it goes.
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...I'm not sure that I have to given the above scenario (alone).
Game changer (period).
Game changer? Lol!
Your laughing off the Talon would perhaps gain credibility if you ever (once) addressed the stark differences (facts) put forward to make any one poster's point. For me, being forced to view the videos listed above merely to (reliably) keep my car on the road not to mention perform the work needed myself afterwards at great cost not to mention precious free time is yes, a "game changer" versus what the Talon promises.
When we witness little but "ahhhh, go buy it then" and "lols" or more importantly SILENCE as the sole responses to this groundbreaking machine ?
Honda indeed just hit it out of the park..on the road..and there are not a whole lot holding season tickets very happy about it.![]()
It’s not a game changer and it is not proven anything yet.
Yamaha already had a paddle shift sport SXS. Honda has a DCT set up which allows it to be like an automatic or you can shift it.
The suspension set up is similar to what is out there. The hp is the low end of the non-turbo sport segment. The interior is nothing to write home about. The cage is nothing different. No harnesses and no added safety.
The no belt drive has not proven to be a selling point. YamahaYXZ sales will tell you that along with the sales numbers from Polaris and Can Am.
After it has been out for a year and it has proven something, then maybe we can revisit the game changer.
Yamaha's 'must-shift' transmission is not equal to a "can (paddle) shift or not" fully automatic experience (period).
This is the 800# gorilla in the room when these debates are (rarely) held.
It is no surprise that the Pioneer very quietly took its place in the market. Any hype otherwise from the forums beyond a few of out there speculating/hoping that this NEW tranny would indeed be the Talon's powerhouse was non-existent. In fact, big changes in who even 'participated' in forums occurred just before the Talon's release (birds chirping presently again).
Yes, the Talon suspension setup is similar to what is on the market presently. I happen to believe that Honda designed much more in to this car than that statement allows. Question: Was not this natural progression inevitable from many of us needing rebuilds or 5k+ shock upgrades not 5 years ago? So if I've got (now) what was costing me 5K to install (yesterday) and that's 25% of the entire machine's cost today...that's not a good thing?
Honda is not trying to compete HP-wise in either the non-turbo or otherwise segment presently simply due to company culture and this machine (like the Pioneer before it) being the trailblazer that it is. Honda cuts new paths carefully with sharp tools. This sport has already witnessed what paths cut carelessly with blunt strategies creates...unhappy customers.
The interior being "nothing to write home about"??? Won't even dignify that with a response. I trust those who have and what I've witnessed with my own eye/read for sub 20K. Brilliant and much more than sufficient for the price ('gee', a roof and killer seats with proper well made adjustments...who would've thunk it?).
If anyone out there believes that they will receive a proper cage and harnesses for sub 20K they live in a recreational marihuana state and voted for it. This is exactly why most refuse to discuss safety including the manufacturers to date. If the nanny state or some law doesn't plop all-encompassing 'safety' in our laps like a kid's therapy pony? We don't need safety as that amount (necessarily) budgeted was not in the lie pulled on the wife as to what any car would actually cost. Until this quits happening to 9 out of 10 buyers? "Wishes" surrounding safety add-ons will stay just that in this sport: Somebody else's problem and looming tragedy as "that only happens to other people (honey)...".
To say that (finally) ash canning our belt drives "has not proven to be a selling point" is ludicrous with Yamaha (finally) refining their system properly in 2019 and the Pioneer scaring everybody in the industry to death for years now. Further comparing 'sales' during that period is even more. Nobody wants to discuss the videos posted above as compared to what the Talon offers as they are fact. Good excuse to get away from the wife and kids (if you're into that) to do needed tranny maintenance...just plain bad for those of us who would rather do something else.
It's a game changer before we've ever sat in one for more reasons than I have expressed here. The utter silence and lack of debate from those traditional discussing these topics (currently 'hiding' somewhere apparently) with fervor proves that the Talon is on a whole lot of wish lists this Christmas”
The only thing Homda is bringing to the table is the DCT set up which they have been using in a utility UTV. They have adapted for a sport UTV. It is a great option for someone that wants the shift or want to cruise on a trail and not worry about shifting. Is this the way the sport SXS might head? That remains to be seen.
I don’t think the manufacturers are shaking in their boots over this. They for sure are taking a look.
The Honda faithful will love the Talon. Too bad all those having it on their Christmas list won’t have it this Christmas.
It is a nice entry in to the sport market. It will sell and probably at the same rate as the Yamaha. It is not a game changer. It is a progression in the market.
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