Just joined this site after being a member of RF for about 8 months. I have done very little in the way of posting as I have been busy trying to put my house back together after Hurricane Isaac. Purchased a 2005 660 Rhino in June 2012 and didn't have much time to mess with it before the hurricane. Today I noticed James at JBS had been removed from RF forum and I was concerned. I don't know James, but have found his threads on RF to be informative(i.e. links to videos and kind responses to folks in trouble). I'm concerned that people would ban someone that is a vendor and yet does not seem to fill his threads with sales fliers for his products. Perhaps I'm naive, but it seems that this man has always attempted to help anyone that had a problem. I'm interested in his products and will contact him after I catch up on my repairs to my home. Anyway, sorry for being long-winded, and I hope to be able to contribute to this forum in the near future.