Nasty Pozo adventure


UTVUnderground La Familia
I went riding yesterday with my buddy Ron at the Pozo OHV area near Santa Margarita. We have both rode these trails numerous times and were having a good time. We were about 25 miles into a 30 mile loop and approaching the last stretch when we find the forest service locked the gate to the trail. So we either had to use paved roads to get back or take an alternate black diamond rock climb. We had done it before and Ron said he could make it so we back tracked and headed up it. I went first and hit the first obstacle and barely made it up. Ron was not so lucky. He got part way up, thought he was going over backwards, backed up, left wheels got in a rut and he rolled it on it's side.
Problem is, Ron is a paraplegic and is now trapped in his rig. My buddy Roy and I could not turn him over because of the angle and could not get him out so we ended up calling 911. Mind you we are in the middle of nowhere and not even accessible by regular 4x4s. After what seemed to be forever being shuffled around to different agencies and ending their confusion as to where we were, Cal Fire sent a spotter airplane and he saw us immediately and directed the first responder helicopter and Cal fire crews to the scene. About 45 minutes after the tip over the first crew showed up having to walk a mile over steep nasty terrain to get to us, followed by another Cal Fire crew, followed by the chopper crew who landed a half mile up the hill from us. There must have been at least 15 people who were up there responding to this.
Ron was doing ok but losing circulation in his arms even though I spent a half hour trying to loosen his shoulder harnesses.
After the first crew showed up I went to the top of the rock climb to help shuttle personnel down but it was way to sketchy to that so I parked it. Ron just wanted them to tip him over so he could go on his way but of course the EMT's would have no part of that and brought in a bigger chopper with lift capabilities to take Ron off the mountain to a waiting ambulance. He wasn't injured so we arranged for the ambulance to take him back to his van. I talked the fire crews into uprighting his rig and turning it downhill so I could get up there later and drive it down, but it started raining hard so the machine is still up there and we will get it down tomorrow when we have a break in the weather.
So I told Ron to save his money because no doubt he will get charged for 1 airplane, 2 choppers, 3 fire trucks, 1 ambulance, and a thirty pack of beer for me!
Randy I am glad to hear you guys made it out safe. I would go up today to help but I have the whole front end of my RZR torn apart right now. I am replacing all ball joints front wheel bearings and both front axles, drivers front has been bent for a while now. You guys be careful its going to be slick, it rained all night here in Paso. I have an appointment at 10:30am. I might can help after my appointment, how close can I get if I take my truck?
Randy I am glad to hear you guys made it out safe. I would go up today to help but I have the whole front end of my RZR torn apart right now. I am replacing all ball joints front wheel bearings and both front axles, drivers front has been bent for a while now. You guys be careful its going to be slick, it rained all night here in Paso. I have an appointment at 10:30am. I might can help after my appointment, how close can I get if I take my truck?

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Randy I am glad to hear you guys made it out safe. I would go up today to help but I have the whole front end of my RZR torn apart right now. I am replacing all ball joints front wheel bearings and both front axles, drivers front has been bent for a while now. You guys be careful its going to be slick, it rained all night here in Paso. I have an appointment at 10:30am. I might can help after my appointment, how close can I get if I take my truck?
Thanks Robert but I have my friend John helping me and we wont go until tomorrow morning. I should be able to drive Ron's down while John takes mine back.
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. I knew starting the day it wasn't going to be good but did I listen to myself? NOOOOO, I just had to do something stupid!
So we get up to the rig today and it was upright, pointing downhill, thanks to the Cal Fire guys. So we examined it and found the bolt on the right front upper A-arm was broke and the wheel was turned out at a radical angle. It started right up so ok, things were going good. Now testosterone laden me figured I could still drive it down the hill, so I strapped in, put helmet on, promptly lost control, and rolled it over. God damned mf%@&^*%@ stupid sob, there went my spotless record of no roll overs! At least it wasn't my rig, lol!
Ok so I couldn't steer it combined with the hand controls I was not used to, contributed, but simply put...........I fucked up. I was ok but I bent the tie rod on the other side along with breaking the CV.
Thankfully some motorcycle guys showed up not 2 minutes after this fiasco and helped us upright it.
To make a long story short we hooked it up to my 900 about 2 feet behind and my good buddy JohnPeq towed me down the hill. I was not going to start the mofo again and by that time I didn't care how much more damage we were going to do it.
But I'm fine, thanks for asking, but we all agreed...............never ever never ever will we do that trail again!
Randy Im so glad you and Ron are ok , part can be replaced bills can be paid but once it over its over Be safe my friend .

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