Lucas Oil TOTALLY OFF ROAD RADIO Show for Wednesday 5/18/2011


This is the Lucas Oil TOTALLY OFF ROAD RADIO Show for Wednesday 5/18/2011

Due to the previous station agreement with the inland Empire 66ers Baseball Team,
This weeks show has been Pre-empted & will be heard this week only at ((5PM))

Co Host: Dave Arnold

This Weeks Guests:
Robby Gordon
Jason Ellis

We'll talk to Robby about Making his Debut in the Lucas Oil Off Road Radng Series this week and get an update on the rest his ever changing plans with his busy schedule in everything he does in the world of Motorsports

We'll talk to Jason about his new team & where he feels he's at in his racing program.
He'll also bring us up to speed on his famed Sirius Radio show and what may be in store for him next in the future.

Plus, the latest Dirt in the World of Off Road & Weekend Calendar on
"Breaking Newz" with Shaun Ochsner including a Big New Sponsor Announcement!!

We'll give away some more tickets to this weekends upcoming the Lucas Oil Off Road races at GlenHelen!

As always,We want to hear from all of you 'The Fans" with any questions or comments that you have!

The station call in number is 888-909-1050, You can also Email questions to or text questions to 760 805-6994

The show is LIVE at 6PM on AM 1050 KCAA & can also be heard LIVE at Welcome to Totally Off Road Radio

We look forward to hearing from you all Wednesday!

Welcome to Totally Off Road Radio
Lucas Oil

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