Legalize It in NV Help!

Bryan M

B-MAN - UTVUnderground Approved
Everyone hook a ninjajaja up and send this email draft for Mush and I.....Ppppppleeeasseeee!
Make sure and change the 3 lines to your name ,address,:cool::cool::cool:

Email this
email draft to send to the DMV and the heads of the transportation committee. -emails are listed below


Dear Director Roberts:

Re: Owner Modified Low Speed Vehicles - SB179

I as well as many others who are interested in getting owner modified side by sides as well as golf carts registered in the state as low speed vehicles have been monitoring the emails and the state law that would have allowed the registration of these vehicles for over 2 years now.

Through Craig Castleberry who has done most of the research on this issue, until now, has spoken for me. I feel it is time for my voice to be heard on this issue.

Our owner modified vehicles, when rebuilt to meet FMVSS should be registered as the DMV has done with other vehicles, including dirt bikes, kit cars and home built units. We have monitored this subject with interest and have been shocked by the continued use of poor research by the DMV designed to hinder our efforts.

I feel we have never needed a new law however when told to seek a new law by the DMV, we did, only to find the DMV fighting against the very law it told us to get and it was fought against by the DMV using incorrect information given to our elected officials. We also feel based upon what other states have done and recent conversations with LCB that no real liability exists on the state.

Due to some officials at the DMV using incorrect legal interpretation and the DMV not applying policies fairly, the DMV has denied our registrations. I ask for a complete and fair hearing on this issue.

phone number

cc. Assemblyman Kelvin Atkinson
cc. Senator Michael Schneider


Since SB179 is officially dead I would also send a copy to the heads of the transportation committee cc above which we may need if we are to insert this law into a new bill.

email to:

Directors email is
Deputy Directors email is


Link to original post with the 411 and a link to sign up for more info.

Nevada law for LSV SB179

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