On our way out to KOH from the coast we broke the intermediate shaft in the tranny in kramer junction. We were traveling with Crowley and Dave when everything went to heck saturday afternoon. We were stranded on the side of the highway, and if anyone has been in kramer junction it wasn't where I wanted to stay the night. I called Jim and asked if he could haul our toyhauler the rest of the way (3hr round trip), he said no problem! We were in luck as the tow truck was on it's way for the pickup.....
"Triple AAA" Jim showed up 10 minutes before the other guy!
I just wanted to say THANK YOU! You made our weekend by being such a great friend!
"Triple AAA" Jim showed up 10 minutes before the other guy!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU! You made our weekend by being such a great friend!