Holz / Kroyer Stage 3 Dyno Results




Pretty impressive seeing 70hp with the Muzzy exhaust on a RZR!!!

RZR / RZR-S Stage 3 Motor Kit
Kroyer Racing Engines
Retail Price: Starting at: $3,750.00
Kroyer Racing Engines Stage 3 Motor Kit

Unlock the power potential of your RZR with the Kroyer Racing Engines Stage 3 Motor kit. Proven performance and reliability make this engine package a perfect alternative to installing a turbo kit or as an option when rebuilding your tired or worn out motor. No loss in drivability and is designed to run on pump gas.

Kit Includes:
- 81.5mm Big Bore Cylinder & Piston Kit (core required for serviceable stock bore cylinder)
- CNC Ported Head with oversize valves and springs (core required for serviceable stock head)
- Billet Cam with new lifters and chromoly push rods.
- 46mm Bored Throttle body and matching billet intake manifold (core required for stock throttlebody)
- Adjustable PRV (oil pressure relief valve)
- Clutch kit
- Gasket Kit
- Joe Gibbs Break-in oil, O.E. Polaris oil filter and spark plugs
- ECU upgrade tuned specifically for the Kroyer Motor kit. No “Piggy-back” style fuel controller needed.

Gain up to 7 additional hp with a Muzzy’s dual exhaust system! Include it with your motor kit. Choose the option below.

*Be sure to select your typical riding elevation and tire size so that appropriate clutching can be included.

Useable cores required for exchange or additional charges will be included. (Useable core= stock part that has not been modified or broken and can be reconditioned) *If a core is received and determined to be un-useable, it will be returned and no credit will be applied for that part.
- Cylinder
- Head
- Throttlebody

Send Cores to: ATTN: Core Exchange
Holz Racing Products
6226 Chasteen Rd.
Lynden, Wa 98264
* Be sure to include your name and contact information to ensure credit is applied accordingly.

RZR / RZR-S Stage 3 Motor Kit Kroyer Racing Engines [618012] - $3,750.00 : Holz Racing Products, Race Proven Engineering

For the masses, keep in mind that is crank HP, not RWHP. It is still very impressive, just don't get caught up in comparing numbers from shop A's chassis dyno to shop B's engine dyno.
Great job Kroyer and Holz!
... keep in mind that is crank HP, not RWHP....

Exactly. This is crank hp.
Trying to get RWHP numbers on a CVT driven machine is a bit tricky as they can be pretty inconsistent. With that said, our stage 3 motor kit does include a clutch kit, so there's one less variable to worry about.
This is literally a complete bolt on and go kit, we have left nothing out.
Are you guys going to race VTR with this motor? Have you guys done any long desert testing with this kit???
Are you guys going to race VTR with this motor? Have you guys done any long desert testing with this kit???

No V2R this year.
If you consider the Terribles race 'long' then yes. It was only about 70 mile loop.
For what it's worth, we have done all the WORCS races to date, Terribles 250, several miles in Moab to include a few drag races, all of our testing and R&D all on the same motor and stock crank.
Hasn't missed a beat yet
Thats good to know I race desert so reliability is top priority for me. Sorry to hear no VTR this year I was hoping to see you guys win it this year. I have a lot of respect for you guys in my opinion you have the best and most thought out RZR program out there and I hope to be able to benifite from all your years of R&D in the future. Are you guys going to race any other BITD races this year?
Hmmm, i think im might need one of these:rolleyes:
Hahaha all jokes aside i have drove Mark Holz's RZR S with this kit in it and even after driving the race car it gave me goosebumps, i didn't want to get out:D
Hmmm, i think im might need one of these:rolleyes:
Hahaha all jokes aside i have drove Mark Holz's RZR S with this kit in it and even after driving the race car it gave me goosebumps, i didn't want to get out:D

Is this the same motor package you have?
Nice setup. Thanks for clarifying it was crank HP. When I first read it I was trying to figure out how it was so reliable with those kind of #'s from the chassis.

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