Help Congress Fight the EnviroManiacs

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
Open your eyes, wake up, wise up, rise up and seize the day!

Even Stevie Wonder can see that fighting public land access closures one at a time, usually near or after the fact, plays right into the BIG GREEN game plan!!! They have the time, money, lawyers, EPA, Endangered Species Act etc backing them and if allowed to do so, they will continue with this same game plan since it has proven so very effective . . . fueled by our tax dollars.

Wouldn’t you rather help Congress fight these pricks instead of having to resort to our loyal National OHV Advocacy Groups with their limited resources for help fighting each and every individual closure threat that arises? It's getting REAL OLD to me and makes no sense!!

Instead, why not spend a few minutes supporting current access friendly congressionally sponsored National Bills like these . . .

H.R. 1581 & S. 1087: Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011

H.R. 1996 & S. 1061: Government Litigation Savings Act

H.R. 758 & S. 407: National Monument Designation Transparency and Accountability Act of 2011

Their titles speak for themselves and they can all be found on the first page of this sub-forum in some form.

Find ‘em by Bill number here . . . THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Find your Public Servants here . . . - Elected Officials . . . and then shoot ‘em a quick email requesting that they support these pieces of Legislation.

All of these are Federal Bills on the Hill, not State stuff. If it starts with an “S.†it’s a Senate deal. If it starts with an “H.R.â€, it’s your Congress person in the House of Representatives.

Reference both the Bill number and it's title when contacting your Public Servants. Bill numbers at times get recycled as do titles from one year to the next.

All the numbers and titles referenced are for our current session . . . the 112th.

If you are contacting a Senator, use the "S." number/title, if you are contacting a member of the House of Representatives use the H.R. number/title.

PLEASE give this thread a BUMP for fellow forum members if you actually chose to take a few minutes doing something productive and pro-active rather than knee jerk and after the fact.

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