A Austin Kimbrell Monster Energy Kawasaki - UTVUnderground Team Driv Sep 3, 2009 #3 thanks i hope i do good it will be my first desert race
K KJSmith84 Banned Por Vida Sep 3, 2009 #4 good luck! if its the same track as last year its a good one. not alot of areas to pass thou.
B badinfluencerace The Future Of SXS Racing is being Built in my Driv Sep 3, 2009 #5 those are some meaty tires good luck
JoeyD23 #utvunderground Sep 3, 2009 #6 lookin good Kimbrell!!! Good luck young man! Do WORK SON!! BTW, great article in Side X Side Action Magazine this month!!!!!
lookin good Kimbrell!!! Good luck young man! Do WORK SON!! BTW, great article in Side X Side Action Magazine this month!!!!!
A AZCourt AZ's Finest - UTVUnderground Approved Sep 4, 2009 #7 If you catch the guy in front of you and he won't move over, push him out of the way! The cattle gaurds are pretty gnarly this year. Slow down for them or you'll break a rim for sure. Good luck, and remember you can't win it on the first lap.
If you catch the guy in front of you and he won't move over, push him out of the way! The cattle gaurds are pretty gnarly this year. Slow down for them or you'll break a rim for sure. Good luck, and remember you can't win it on the first lap.