Check out this use of OHV Funds by the Counties Regional Parks District


Space Cadet - UTVUnderground's La Familia
Seems the County likes to build infrastructure at Calico with OHV funds to help the business owners there. Nice. What about spending them on the freakin trails? Duh!

"However, Regional Parks is expanding amenities at Calico Ghost Town Regional Park by using off-highway vehicle funding to provide additional campground hook-ups and cabins. The improvements are expected to generate additional revenue for the department and the concession operators, as well as encourage new tourism."
Surprised they even allocated funds for that project, usually Nazifornia would have used the funds on the Entitlement crowd and the illegal immigrants LOL.
Have you guys been to calico?

It's kind of neat that they made ohv trails go to the mine entrance. Plus the businesses there do not make very much money. So ya some funds are being spent there.

Sounds legit to me.
So true where's the watch dog groups ?????

The Devil is in the details. I would say that the uncle owns some business there and or the contractor is a friend or family, nepotism and crony capitalism at its finest when it comes to government allocations and funding.

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