the stripping shop
RACER - UTVUnderground Approved
who should be on board, this is my suggestions. President cory desert toyz or casey from bitd. Vice president cory desert toyz or erik from flagstaff. treasure bill schueller from jaggedx this spot is in charge of money and contingency/sponsorship is dispursed correctly. Contingency dir joey d utvundeground this spot for someone that has connection to get sponsorhip/contingency to grow series and winnings. Driver rep utv pro champion so the drivers have a word in decisions. Competion dir lee perfect to make sure rules are fair and safe. 5guys to all have a positon and make sure all is heard. Must meet atleast 5 times a year and at end of year before new season starts there is vote if board need changes or if new position needed.only board can change or can vote majority wins.