///Airdam Clutches is headed out west

///Airdam Clutches

Active Member
Hey guys i will be coming out at the end of this week headed to Glamis for a day trip hopefully for new years eve and new years day and hope to get some testing done on the X3 for our duner clutch kit and then head to plaster city for the next 4 days before the Parker 250 race. I always come to Plaster City to help and test and tune for you guys. I know there are a few new teams starting up this year and a few moving over to the Turbo machines. If any of you guys need clutch work i will be at plaster city thru Thursday Jan 5th and in Havsu right north of the airport on top of the hill by the mountain pass. we test and run a 5 mile loop down the powerline and thru a wash behind and up thru the mountain pass. i will only be in havsu for the day before the race to test with a few folks who are last minute and cant make the trip to Plaster City. I want to help anyone that needs it. i plan to be at plaster city from the 1st thru the 5th for anyone who needs me. i will gladly make appointments if you want to try and schedule a certain time for yourself. otherwise i will be set up and there for everybody that shows up.

We have been working with many of the top teams for the last few years, many of you may not realize how many of the teams we work with but we have helped many teams run strong the last few years and truly have come a long way with these new turbos in order to help owners run stronger and harder than ever. we have full seups from budget to the full meal deal for trails and dunes and race applications. our XP1000 and XPTurbo setups are the best thing you can purchase for those machines and will give you the ability to run hours of full throttle with no worries of the belt. Our Maverick and Maverick turbo setups have allowed many racers the ability to run without blowing belts. Our new X3 setups are powering the top teams and we will be out there testing in plaster city with a few of the new X3 teams to make sure they are running top notch as well. We have taken the time to figure out what the best setup is for each machine and each situation and i can assure you that in the race applications there is nothing on the market better than our setups. i will help teach you the methods and maintenance it takes to keep everything perfect and or i will prep the clutches after every race if you wish to ship them in to me. we do maintain and rebuild and repair clutches for many of the top racers every single race to keep them worry free. if you are looking for help, even if its not with my clutch parts you just need help in general with clutches, dont hesitate to ask i am always glad to help.

if you would like to schedule an appointment or need parts please let me know before friday because i plan to rock and roll friday headed west. send me an email and we can chat about anything you need. i know we have been shipping parts frequently the last two weeks for many new teams that will already be planning to meet me in plaster city, if you need help be sure to ask.

adam@airdamclutches.com <-- best method to reach me
601-883-9929 <-- will reach me once i have left the shop and i am out west
I had planned meeting you this new years to set up our clutch but after a triple lindy roll over testing, our car is out for Parker (Not Happy). Will you be back out before the Mint?

Mike Nix
Elite Automotive Products.
its not bad. as i said on the maverick forums, with 30s we have it pretty dang spot on for what most owners will do with it. the helix and spring rates in the stock clutches are setups i helped can-am with. the helix is one of my exact designs i use in the older mav turbo. yes the stock clutches work very well and are very well balanced.

but with more power from reflashes the stock secondary doesnt have enough spring rate. for 32s the clutch needs different calibrations to hold itself in the right gear ratio properly. for a full throttle race pace you need more helix angle. there are all sorts of different things that are needed depending on your riding style and what you do with the machine. each owner is going to be different. the stock clutches work exceptionally well, but there is always room for improvement when you start looking for max gains or you start to change the variable associated with the clutch such as more power from a reflash, or more load from duning or running larger tires or both.

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