7th annual 4th of July Vail Lake with the Valenzuela's


Familia 1st - UTVUnderground's La Familia
Just want everyone to know that we are planing again to be at Vail Lake. This year will be some what different since Vail is celebrating the weekend before. The good news is that it makes it a lot cheaper for full hook up. We just reserved space 107 for 7/5 - 7/8 for $195.00. If anyone has any plans to join us please reserve early that way we can all be in the same area.

Vail Lake Resort
Maps and Directions
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Roy this means we have the entire corner, that is what we did last year, it's the best way. This are is perfect for Drunken Boigie Ball and may other Drunken games.
The riding is not extremely difficult and or hard but it's just fun. Most of it is trails but there are some area you can find that can be just a bit of extra fun one the year back some year Cisco and I made a trail where there was none so that was a good experience. The lake has been very full lately so that path has a bit too much water I fear but we will try it anyway.
Hey guys I have been so busy that I have not posted, it's next week, we have other friends coming and staying in Vail from the 4rth so we have change our dates to 4rth till the 8th. Spot 107


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So did I understand right, you can bring the side x sides to the park and drive them around?

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Yep. It's $10 for the SxS and I think it has to be registered. I also showed them my insurance if I remember from last year. They'll give you a hang tag for it, and you have to display it while you're tooling around....

From the website:

On Wheels: Golf Carts & Rhinos, etc.

Golf carts and Rhinos are allowed for use as transportation on the property, not for "joy riding". You must pay a $10.00 registration fee and provide proof of liability insurance (a Certificate of Liability Insurance) and registration at the time of the check-in. Golf carts and Rhinos must have a Vail Lake Resort pass with the RV Site number clearly visible on the driver's side front window. Driver must hold a valid driver's license . All vehicles must be properly muffled and must stay on established roadways.
Motorbikes, ATV's, mini bikes and quads are not allowed on the property and OFF ROADING is absolutely prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in a $100 fine. No children under the age of 16 are allowed to drive golf carts and rhinos on the property. Please keep vehicle noise to a minimum during Quiet Hours.
Golf carts may be driven on designated streets only and must have headlights and taillights if operated after dark. Use of gasoline powered golf carts is prohibited during Quiet Hours.
Helmets are mandatory for cycle riders under the age of 16.
Vehicles allowed on paved roads and the dirt road to Goose Neck Bay only.
No electric scooters are allowed.
Any violations of these rules will result in a $100.00 fine."

Dan ...
Dan tell them were we went, please make sure not to say too much we like to go next year again.
Quick question - is there anywhere to ride outside the campground? I heard there was, but when I called the Resort, they said no. :confused:

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