For quick loading and easy hauling I'm a big fan of the Diamond C UTV specific trailer I picked up this summer. Sticker price was around $1500 and it is 12'x6.5' plenty wide enough and the spring bifold gate looks much better than the tall gated trailers. I also really like the no side rail...
I scored this deal and have already been using it on my SR1. I love not having the music cable and being wireless!! Money well spent!
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I re-wired and labeled the entire fuse box to alleviate some minor problems from my previous fast thrown together wiring.
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Wow it's been a long time since I've logged into this build.. Fast forward 5 years and this SR1 has been sitting in the shop almost untouched since 3 weeks after we finished it. It went through a severe hail storm and I hit a pretty huge jump at the dunes that kicked the ass up and rolled it...